Fig1. X-ray light curve of the flare taken by GOES. Abstract We observed a filament eruption, whose shape is like a dandelion, associated with the solar.


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Presentation transcript:

Fig1. X-ray light curve of the flare taken by GOES. Abstract We observed a filament eruption, whose shape is like a dandelion, associated with the solar flare that occurred on 2011 February 16 at the active region NOAA The H full disk images of the flare were taken by FMT 1 relocated from Hida Observatory of Kyoto University to Ica University in Peru under the international collaboration of the CHAIN 2 -project (see, Morita et al.(M18a) and UeNo et al.(A21a) in this JAS-Spring Meeting). There is no Moreton wave observed in Hs, while we identify oscillations/activations of H filaments (winking filaments) at distant locations. In the extreme ultraviolet data taken by AIA 3 on board SDO 4 and EUVI 5 on board the STEREO 6 -Ahead satellite we clearly see coronal waves as well as the filament eruption. In this paper we present the results of the detailed examination of the eruption, winking filaments and the coronal waves. 1 Flare Monitoring Telescope, 2 Continuous H-Alpha Imaging Network, 3 Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, 4 Solar Dynamic Observatory, 6 Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager, 6 Solar TErrestrial Relations Observatory A ''Dandelion'' Filament Eruption and Coronal Waves associated with the 2011 February 16 Solar Flare Denis P. Cabezas (IGP, Peru), Lurdes M. Martínez (Ica Univ.),Yovanny J. Buleje, Mutsumi Ishitsuka, José K. Ishitsuka (IGP, Peru), S. Takasao, Y. Yoshinaga, S. Morita, A. Asai, T. T. Ishii, S. Ueno,R. Kitai, ○ K. Shibata (Kyoto Univ.) Summary & Conclusions Associated with the flare, we observed oscillation of a filament. To activate the filament oscillation, we expect a coronal disturbance propagating with the velocity of about 800km/s, which is comparable with the observed EUV velocity. The filament oscillation was triggered by the EUV wave. This work is a research outcome based on the 2 nd FMT-WS held at Hida Obs., Kyoto Univ. on July (References) Harra et al. 2011, ApJL, 737, L4 (CHAIN project) (FMT-Peru) Snap shot of the Obs. Moreton wave? – search for winking filaments Solar flares are sometimes associated with Moreton waves, the intersection of a shock wave propagating in the corona with the chromosphere. Even for flares without Moreton waves, we often observe winking filaments triggered by coronal waves and they are called “invisible” Moreton wave. In the 2011-Feb-16 flare we did not observe a Moreton wave but wave-like features in EUVs (EUV waves). Harra et al. (2011) reported the features propagating with fast velocity by the spectroscopic observation. Are there winking filaments for this flare? What about the relation with the EUV wave? Observation & Data Date: 2011-Feb-16, 14:19UT(Start) Flare class: M1.6 Active region: NOAA Full-disk observations by FMT: H center, ±0.8A (20s cadence) SDO/AIA: EUV 193A (12s cadence ) STEREO/EUVI: EUV 195A (5min cadence) EUV Waves & Filament Oscillation We observed an activation/oscillation of a filament (S2). Other filaments did not clearly show the oscillations. We also observed EUV waves. The side view of the EUV wave and filament eruption were taken by STEREO EUVI 195A. The velocities are ~600 and ~250km/s, respectively. EUV wave front by AIA (193A) AIA 193 difference start of the oscillation Fig4. Left: wide FOV Himage. There are some filaments (S1-S4). Middle: wave front positions, determined by AIA 193A image, are overlaid on an H image. Right: an example of AIA 193 difference image. Fig5. Left: temporal evolution of the oscillated filament (S2) in the three wavelengths. Right: light curve of the filament in the three wavelengths. The intensity is calculated for the region with the light blue rectangle in the left panel. light curve of this region 日本天文学会 2012 年春季年会 (ASJ-Spring Meeting 2012) A70c ~87° Fig6. EUV (195A) difference images taken by STEREO- Ahead/EUVI (left). The STEREO-Ahead satellite was located 87 degree ahead of the earth at the time of the flare. filament EUV wave Fig7. Distance-time plot of the EUV wave and oscillation of filament S2. The GOES X- ray light curve is overlaid. ~400km/s * * Peru FMT H-0.8APeru FMT H+0.8APeru FMT H center Fig2. H images of the “dandelion” filament eruption taken by FMT-Peru (left: H-0.8A, middle: H center, right H+0.8A). ~100km/s flare Fig3. Left: the position of the slit of Hinode/EIS. Right: Distant-time diagram of the Doppler velocity for the Fe XIII line along the slit (red/blue: red-/blue- ward movement, respectively). (Harra et al. 2011)