Effects of model error on ensemble forecast using the EnKF Hiroshi Koyama 1 and Masahiro Watanabe 2 1 : Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo / Environmental Science, Hokkaido University 2 : Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo UAW 2008, 1 July 2008
Introduction The ensemble forecast error of numerical weather prediction is caused not only by inaccurate initial conditions but also by model deficiencies. The model deficiencies can have an impact on the forecast error in the one-month forecast. Model deficiencies The method to improve measures against the model deficiencies There is little method with theoretical proof for effectiveness Model ensemble
The feature of the prediction scores in the one-month ensemble forecast with model error The effectiveness of model ensemble methods Purpose Method The prediction scores on imperfect model with model errors are compared to those on perfect model Initial ensemble members are generated by EnKF Introduce model ensembles Models : 1. Lorenz’96 model (low-order) 2. AGCM (high-order) Purpose and Method
The EnKF ( Ensemble Kalman Filter; Evensen 1994 ) is the technique for uniting ensemble forecast and data assimilation. Observation Analysis (Data assimilation) Ensemble forecast + Initial perturbations for next forecast Ensemble Kalman Filter True By repeated the cycle of ensemble forecast and data assimilation, the best analysis and initial perturbation will be obtained. + Ensemble forecast
x : large-scale, y : small-scale y fluctuate more rapidly than x x : forecast variables, directly computable y : sub-grid scale processes, unresolved M = 8, N = 4 F=10, h=1, c=10, b = 10 (Smith2000, Orrell2002) Periodic boundary Loenz’96 model (Lorenz 1996) Time evolution of x and y Lorenz96-EnKF : Model AGCM x y
( Smith2000,Orrel2003,Wilks2005 ) Imperfect model with model error The term of y is approximated by the linear regression of x. y is not calculated. (Parameterization of y) Perfect model without model error y term in the equation of x Imperfect model Perfect model Lorenz96-EnKF : Model Good as primary approximation
EnKF Serial EnSRF ( Whitaker and Hamill 2002 ) Number of initial members : 50 S.D. of observation error : x = 0.2, y = 0.02 Assimilated interval : 0.05 (≒ 6 hours on real atmosphere ) Online estimation of covariance inflation ( Miyoshi and Kalnay 2005 ) Localization of covariance matrix ( Gaspari and Cohn 1999 ) True and Observation True : Control run in perfect model Observation : True + Gaussian random noise Lorenz96-EnKF : Experimental design
= ( RMSE in imperfect model )-( RMSE in perfect model ) Perfect model Model error is the maximum at about day 8 forecast Lorenz96-EnKF : Result Imperfect model Model error Predictability limit is about 20 days. Spread is almost equal to RMSE Predictability limit is about 15 days. Spread is considerably smaller than RMSE Forecast day RMSE (Climatology) RMSE (Climatology) RMSE(Control run) RMSE Spread RMSE Spread imperfect perfect
Random coefficient is multiplied by parameterization term This coefficient is different in every member and every step (Buizza et al.1999) 1. Stochastic physics method (STC) 2. Multi parameter method (MLT) Model ensembles Lorenz96-EnKF : Model ensembles Multiple parameter set are created by adding parameter perturbations to control parameters Initial ensemble forecast run independently for each parameter set (Total member) = (Initial member) x (Parameter member) : Gaussian noise k : k th member w k : amplitude Parameter set : : parameterization term
NON STC MLT NON STC MLT Both model ensemble methods are effective on reducing model error and optimizing spread. By introducing model ensemble, model error is reduced after day 7 forecast. By introducing model ensemble, Spread / RMSE is close to 1. Model error Spread / RMSE Lorenz96-EnKF : Result Forecast day NON : without model ensemble MLT : multi-parameter STC : stochastic physics
CCSR/NIES/FRCGC AGCM 5.7b T21L11 global spectral model Forecast variables : u, v, t, ps, q EnKF The same package used in the Lorenz 96 model Ensemble members : 32 Assimilated interval : 6 hours Simultaneous estimation of covariance inflation and observation errors (Li et al.) Type of experiment Scenario nameModelTrueObservation Perfect AGCM Control run of AGCM True + Gaussian random noise Imperfect JRA-25 re-analysis data ( Nov2007, 6houly ) AGCM AGCM-EnKF : Experimental design
RMSE is smaller than S.D. of observation error. Spread is equal to RMSE Stability for 3 months Perfect RMSE Spread T 500 Z 500 RMSE Spread Predictability limit is about 20 days. Similar to the result of Lorenz’96 model AGCM-EnKF : Result Assimilated spread is considerably smaller than RMSE Forecast spread is also so geography ? Land surface variables ? Imperfect T 500 assimilation forecast assimilationforecast Spread RMSE Spread Forecast day Date
Conclusion and Perspectives By using Lorez’96 model with model error, the one-month forecasts are started from initial perturbation created by EnKF. Model error is the maximum at about day 8 forecast. Model ensemble methods are effective on reducing model error and optimizing spread To continue the experiment using AGCM. To find systematic relationship between model deficiency and model error. To find and evaluate more effective model ensemble methods Conclusion Perspectives