The Impact of Imperfect Information on Network Attack Andrew Melchionna (University of Rochester) Jesús Caloca (Boise State University) Advisors: S. Squires, M. Girvan, E. Ott, T. Antonsen
What is a network? A network represents connections (links) between system components (nodes) Examples include social networks (friendships), the Internet, and neural networks In many cases, the network data we have contains errors (e.g. Facebook links may not accurately reflect true friendships).
Attacking the Giant Connected Component Connected Component: group of nodes connected via some paths of edges Our goal: remove nodes from (‘attack’) the network in order to break up Giant Connected Component (GCC) The catch: the info we have about the network contains errors (false and missing links) While attacks on networks have been studied previously, our focus of the effect of imperfect information on attack is new Applications: include vaccinating to stop an epidemic, stopping terrorist communication
Simulating Imperfect Information about Network Links We create a noisy network from the true network in which some false links are added and/or some true links are missing
Attack Strategies Nodes are removed in order of a specific "centrality" measure, meant to capture how influential each node is in the network After each removal, we check the GCC size of the true network and use the noisy network to recalculate new centrality measures for each node in the network Centrality measures for attack strategies include: −Degree −Betweenness −Dynamical Importance
Attack Strategies: Degree Centrality A node’s degree is the number of links attached to it An attack based on degree centrality removes the highest- degree nodes first
Attack Strategies: Betweenness Centrality The betweenness of a node considers the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes, and is proportional to the number of shortest paths that pass through the node
Attack Strategies: Dynamical Importance
Conclusions The more sophisticated attack strategies remain effective even when the network information contains a significant number of link errors. The effectiveness of attack strategies is more robust to the addition of false links compared with the deletion of true links. We have also obtained results for other types of networks, for which find that the above conclusions also apply.
Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr. Shane Squires and Profs. Girvan, Ott and Antonsen TREND Program and the University of Maryland National Science Foundation Jesús acknowledges the support of the McNair Scholars Program.
References Albert, R., H. Jeong, and A.L. Barabasi, "Error and attack tolerance of complex networks," Nature 406 (2000) Restrepo, J. G., E. Ott, and B. R. Hunt. “Characterizing the dynamical importance of network nodes and links." Physical Review Letters 97.9 (2006): Platig, J., E. Ott, and M. Girvan. "Robustness of network measures to link errors." Physical Review E 88.6 (2013):
Attack Strategies