Unit XIII – The Byzantine Empire, The Greek Orthodox Church, and Russia Byzantine Empire and Greek Orthodoxy, 1-9 Byzantine Empire and Greek Orthodoxy, 1-9 Russia, Copyright 2006; C. Pettinato, RCS High School, All Rights Reserved
1. Video
2. Geography - The Byzantine Empire, 550
3. The Byzantine Empire A. How and when did the Byzantine Empire begin? B. How did Constantine contribute to the beginning of the empire? C. What happened to Constantinople when the Rome fell in 476 AD? D. In what year did the empire fall?
4. The Reign of Justinian A. Ruled from 576 – 565 B. Empire reached it’s greatest size (had to give up some land after he died). C. Beautification, the Hagia Sophia D. Justinian Code – Civil Laws E. Absolute power – autocrat/model F. Empress Theodora
5. The Hagia Sophia
6. Buffer to Invaders A. Who did the Byzantine Empire defended itself and the rest of Europe from between 476 and 1453? 1. It defended itself from the Persians, Slavs, Arabs, Vikings, Mongols, Turks B. Who succeeded it conquering the Empire? 1. The Seljuk Turks in 1453 under Mehmet II
7. Greek Orthodox Christianity AAAA. What were the differences between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church? BBBB. What was the Great Schism ? CCCC. How did the Crusades link and then separate the two types of Christianity? DDDD. Who invaded Constantinople and ended the empire?
8. Greek Fire
9. Byzantine Accomplishments TTTThey were built on Hellenistic Culture AAAA. religious art and architecture –1–1–1–1. icons –2–2–2–2. blending of Greek, Roman, Persian, and Middle Eastern architecture BBBB. preservation of the classics CCCC. preservation of the law DDDD. increased trade - east and west
10. Byzantine Art and Christianity
11. Russia A. How big is Russia? B. What type of regions does it have? C. What groups of people moved into Russia? D. What city became the 1 st center of trade?
12. The Byzantine Connection A. How was Russia influenced by the Byzantine Empire? 1. trade 2. autocratic model of government 3. religion 4. writing
13. Video
14. Ivan the Terrible
15. Important Early Leaders A. Ivan the Great 2. northern Russia 3. Slavic Russia 4. limited boyars 5. Byzantine court rituals 6. 2 headed eagle 7. Czar B. Ivan the Terrible 2. centralized power 3. undercut boyars 4. tied serfs to land 5. unstable 6. oprichniki
16. Important Early Leaders (cont.) C. Peter the Great 2. lived in west 3. tech. experts 4. autocrat 5. centralization 6. increased serfs 7. social/economic reforms 8. western clothing 9. new capital 10. warm water port? D. Catherine the Great 2. rise to power 3. efficient, energetic 4. codified laws 5. state education - boys, girls 6. encouraged culture, play writing, histories 7. boyars-no taxes 8. increased serfdom 9. expanded territory 10. warm water port
17. Important Terms and People A. Justinian B. Theodora C. Justinian Code D. autocrat E. Constantinople F. Hagia Sophia G. Greek Orthodox H. patriarch I. icon J. the Great Schism K. Russian Orthodox L. Kiev M. Cyril and Methodius N. steppe O. Slavs P. Varagians Q. Genghiz Khan R. the Golden Horde S. Ivan the Great T. Ivan the Terrible U. Peter the Great V. Catherine the Great