Arabia: Theoretical centre of Muslim world Eurasia: Peripheral region Exploring conflicts (internal and external) and other issues
Religious/scholarly centres of Mecca and Medina Role of tradeZabid Map Link: Arabia in 1453: < arabia1453ad.jpgarabia1453ad.jpg>
930 Isma‘ili Carmathians of Bahrayn steal the Black Stone from Mecca 951 Carmathians return Black Stone Zaydis of Yemen Ibadis of Oman
Shi‘ite movement Take name from Zayd ibn ‘Ali (d. 740), great-grandson of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Leadership/imamate open to any: 1. Descendent of ‘Ali’s sons al-Hasan or al-Husayn who 2. Had piety, learning, and will to rebel Prominent in Yemen by 13th c. Zaydis
Origins in Kharijite movement Take name from ‘Abd Allah ibn Ibad (d. c. 700) Imam should be elected, can be deposed if errs and does not repent Non-violent, tolerant Isolationist, prominent in Oman Ibadis
Conflicts: With Ottomans (Zaydis) With Portuguese (Ibadis) Map Link: Arabia in 1648: < arabia1648ad.jpgarabia1648ad.jpg>
1624 Ibadis elect Nasir ibn Murshid as Imam (r ) Attacking Portuguese in Oman, Malabar Coast, Persian Coast, E. Africa 1719 Succession dispute and civil war in Oman
1748 Ahmad ibn Sa‘id, governor of Sohar, expels Persians from Oman Reign of Ahmad ibn Sa‘id as first Imam of Al bu Sa‘id dynasty (now Sultans) 1959 Expulsion of last Imam, Ghalib ibn ‘Ali (d. 2009)
1430s-40s Golden Horde splits into four major khanates: Sibir, Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimea Muscovy, based at Moscow Map Link: Eastern Hemisphere, 1500 AD: < East-Hem_1500ad.jpgEast-Hem_1500ad.jpg>
1547 Ivan IV (the Terrible) crowned Tsar of Muscovy (r ) Conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan c Conquest of Sibir Tatars/Qipchaq Turks Map Link: Moscovy Russian Expansion under Ivan the Terrible: < /image033.jpg/image033.jpg>
Crimean-Ottoman alliance Slave raiding, incl. as far as Moscow (1570) Muscovite-Polish-Cossack agreement
Peter the Great (r ) Modernisation and westernisation Military reform, incl. conscription (1705) Territorial expansion Map Link: Muscovy to Imperial Russia: < image016.jpgimage016.jpg>
Gradual decline of Khanate of Crimea 1783 Catherine the Great (r ) annexes Khanate of Crimea
Arabia and Eurasia: Different regions, parallel experiences? Relationship of faith to conflict Diversity of Islamic practices