1 Warning Signs Quiz Lesson 37 Quiz Lesson 37
2 Blow the ___ in ___ and sound an ___ in my holy ___. Let all the ___ of the land ___; for the ___ of the ___ is coming, for it is at hand___. Joel 2:1
3 Which of these verses speak of signs in the sun, moon, and stars? ___ Matthew 24:20 ___ Joel 2:31 ___ Mark 13:24, 25 ___ Daniel 8:14 ___ Revelation 6:12, 13 ___ Revelation 14:6-12 ___ Luke 21:25 ___ Daniel 4:37 ___ Matthew 24:20 ___ Joel 2:31 ___ Mark 13:24, 25 ___ Daniel 8:14 ___ Revelation 6:12, 13 ___ Revelation 14:6-12 ___ Luke 21:25 ___ Daniel 4:37
4 Who are two people mentioned in your lesson who wrote about the dark day? ___ John Greenleaf Whittier ___ Martin Luther ___ Charles Wesley ___ Sir William Herschel ___ John Greenleaf Whittier ___ Martin Luther ___ Charles Wesley ___ Sir William Herschel
5 What was unusual about the meteor shower in 1833: ___ It woke people up. ___ Scientists predicted it months before. ___ It was an unusually intense meteor shoer. ___ It was so bright a person could read small print. ___ It woke people up. ___ Scientists predicted it months before. ___ It was an unusually intense meteor shoer. ___ It was so bright a person could read small print.
6 Matching 4-way: May The Dark Day November The Stars Fell November Lisbon Earthquake Matching 4-way: May The Dark Day November The Stars Fell November Lisbon Earthquake
7 How did God use the fulfillment of the prophetic signs in the sun, moon, and stars? ___ To get people to study their Bibles ___ To wake up his people ___ To show that the “time of the end” was near ___ To get people to expect world peace ___ To get people to study their Bibles ___ To wake up his people ___ To show that the “time of the end” was near ___ To get people to expect world peace
8 What signs did God use to get people’s attention and get them to study the Bible? ___ A terrible earthquake in 1755 ___ A horrible famine in 1825 ___ A very dark day in 1780 ___ A huge meteor shower in 1833 ___ A terrible earthquake in 1755 ___ A horrible famine in 1825 ___ A very dark day in 1780 ___ A huge meteor shower in 1833
9 true or false? ___ Parts of the book of Daniel were sealed until the “time of the end.” ___ The end of the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14 signaled the beginning of the “time of the end.” ___ The 1,260 days ended in ___ The books of Daniel and Revelation were both sealed. ___ Some people recognized that since there had been a big earthquake and then a dark day, the next event would be falling stars. ___ Parts of the book of Daniel were sealed until the “time of the end.” ___ The end of the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14 signaled the beginning of the “time of the end.” ___ The 1,260 days ended in ___ The books of Daniel and Revelation were both sealed. ___ Some people recognized that since there had been a big earthquake and then a dark day, the next event would be falling stars.
10 What does the Bible mean when it says that the book of Daniel was sealed? ___ It was written in a language no one could understand. ___ It was put in a clay jar, sealed with a seal, and hidden in a cave. ___ It was not understood until people began studying it in the “time of the end.” ___ It was written in a language no one could understand. ___ It was put in a clay jar, sealed with a seal, and hidden in a cave. ___ It was not understood until people began studying it in the “time of the end.”
11 After the signs in the sun, moon, and stars, people began studying... ___ Jesus’ first coming ___ Jesus’ second coming ___ The story of creation ___ Jesus’ first coming ___ Jesus’ second coming ___ The story of creation
12 Mark 13:24 says... ___ The signs in the sun, moon, and stars would happen before the terrible persecution stopped. ___ The terrible persecution would stop, and then the sun would be darkened. ___ The signs in the sun, moon, and stars would happen before the terrible persecution stopped. ___ The terrible persecution would stop, and then the sun would be darkened.
13 True or false The falling of the Stars... __ was a meteorite shower. __ occurred worldwide. __ fell about one a minute. __ fell about 100 a minute. __ fell about 10,000 a minute. __ was a meteorite shower. __ occurred worldwide. __ fell about one a minute. __ fell about 100 a minute. __ fell about 10,000 a minute.
14 True or False... The Lisbon Earthquake __ was the worst earthquake ever. __ occurred in Spain. __ destroyed many buildings and possessions but not many people died. __ made the king paranoid about being in the city, and ever afterward he made his abode in the open air of the country. __ was the worst earthquake ever. __ occurred in Spain. __ destroyed many buildings and possessions but not many people died. __ made the king paranoid about being in the city, and ever afterward he made his abode in the open air of the country.
15 True or False The Dark Day... __ lasted more than one day. __ was an eclipse of the sun. __ still causes men to wonder about its cause. __ caused the legislature in Connecticut to adjourn. __ occurred during the lifetime of John Greenleaf Whittier. __ lasted more than one day. __ was an eclipse of the sun. __ still causes men to wonder about its cause. __ caused the legislature in Connecticut to adjourn. __ occurred during the lifetime of John Greenleaf Whittier.