Daily Oral Language Week # 11
Directions Using your best handwriting, please write the two sentences on the next slide into your Language spiral notebook. Watch out! There are errors in the sentences that need to be corrected. Write each sentence correctly into your notebook. Keep this spiral to study for the test over these sentences that will be on Friday.
Day 1 Elena said, “The movie The wizard of Oz beginned with a storm.” Then carol said “Isn’t a tornado just an spinning wind storm?”
Corrected Sentences Day 1 Elena said, “The movie The Wizard of Oz began with a storm.” Then Carol said, “Isn’t a tornado just a spinning wind storm?”
Day 2 On tuesday dr. lopez identifyed a tornado in a photograph. “It look like a big funnel she said, “or a dark column.”
Corrected Sentences Day 2 On Tuesday Dr. Lopez identified a tornado in a photograph. “It looks like a big funnel,” she said, “or a dark column.”
Day 3 Tornadoes are among the most violentest storms in the United states. A bad one can cause severe damage it can cause terrible injurys to.
Corrected Sentences Day 3 Tornadoes are among the most violent storms in the United States. A bad one can cause severe damage. It can cause terrible injuries too. OR A bad one can cause severe damage; it can cause terrible injuries too.
Day 4 In science class I and salim have been learning about tornadoes. In the United States most of they occur in April May and June.
Corrected Sentences Day 4 In science class Salim and I have been learning about tornadoes. In the United States most of them occur in April, May, and June.
Weekly Test Directions: Write each sentence correctly on a separate piece of notebook paper. (Please do not write them into your spiral notebook.) Check each sentence carefully before turning in your test.
Test – Week # Elena said, “The movie The wizard of Oz beginned with a storm.” 2. “It look like a big funnel she said, “or a dark column.” 3.A bad one can cause severe damage it can cause terrible injurys to. 4. In science class I and salim have been learning about tornadoes.
Test Answers – Week Elena said, “The movie The Wizard of Oz began with a storm.” 2. “It looks like a big funnel,” she said, “or a dark column.” 3. A bad one can cause severe damage. It can cause terrible injuries too. OR A bad one can cause severe damage; it can cause terrible injuries too. 4. In science class Salim and I have been learning about tornadoes.