FINISH REVIEW GUIDE Define terms by using your blue book Collect books!
REVIEW 1.Tone refers to a.The way the reader feels about the text b.The way the author feels about the text. 2. Theme is a.The climax of the story b.The tone of the story c.The message of the story
REVIEW 3. Which is indirect characterization? A.Huck is about 13 or 14 years old. B.Miss Watson is old. C.Tom put lots of snakes and spiders in Jim’s cell. He stole from Aunt Sally. 4. An example of alliteration is a.Try to light the fire b.Nodding, nearly napping
REVIEW 5. Raymond worried Sally would never speak to him again. Sally kept thinking that she should stop talking to Raymond after that terrible date. “He took me to Best Buy,” she screamed in her mind. What is the Point of View: A.1 st person B.2 nd person C.3 rd limited D.3 rd omniscient 6. Which is an example of personification? A.The sky boomed with thunder. B.The moon smiled happily. C.The ice cream was like a cloud.
REVIEW 7. What is an example of irony? A.That girl is terrible. B.The sky thundered with anger. C.He said he hated her but then they got married. 8. He almost drank from the cup though it was filled with poison. The cup is a symbol of…? A.An obstacle B.Peace C.Destiny
REVIEW 9. Which is an example of apostrophe? A."Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. B. ’T was later when the summer went Than when the cricket came, 10. What is the Rhyme scheme? Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey. Down came a spider And sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away
REVIEW 11. Each of the students has their bag. What is the problem? 12. Which is slant rhyme? a.Cat and rat b.Stale and whale c.Eyes and light