1. What do you recall in the previous unit? 2. We learned about: a. World War I b. America’s Role in WWI c. Roaring 20s d. Great Depression e. The New Deal
1. In this unit we will learn about: a. World War II b. The Holocaust c. The early parts of the Cold War
1. Just like World War I the war began in Europe and Americans wanted to stay out of the war. 2. We will see if they get involved again just like World War I. 3. People called World War I “The war to end all wars ” because they did not think they would ever see such a terrible war with high death tolls. 4. World War II left over 60 million dead which nearly doubled that of World War I.
1. The Holocaust was a genocide which means a specific group of people were systematically killed. 2. The Holocaust was a genocide of primarily the Jewish people in Europe. Many other people were killed, too. We’ll learn about all of this. 3. Even though this did not happen in America, it is very important for Americans to learn about this terrible event.
1. The Cold War was a time when America and the Soviet Union (Russia today) were involved in an ideology war meaning they disagreed on how to govern people. 2. It is called a “cold” war because no fighting ever took place. 3. We will learn about how it started and some early events.
1. We need to learn about all of these events because it helps explain the world we currently live in today !