World History 12/11/13
Group Presentations Warm-up: Take 5 minutes to finish your plan & get ready to present. Jot down notes for each presentation on handout.
Russian Revolution of 1905 Russians are unhappy with the tsars and their absolute power. Protests begin, with the most important one being “Bloody Sunday,” when about 1,000 nonviolent protesters were shot. Workers begin to make soviets, which are like unions to organize strikes. They turn into a revolutionary government. Nicholas II issues the October Manifesto, promising a constitution and elected legislature (Duma). Revolution is important because it shows discontent with government and leads to Bolshevik Revolution.
Bolshevik Revolution Bolsheviks were a group of Marxists (those who believed in communism) led by Vladimir Lenin. Economic conditions and Russian military effort was terrible, leading to discontent again. In 1917, protests happen. This called the February Revolution and forces Tsar Nichols II to step down. Russia forms a provisional government under Aleksandr Kerensky, who continues involvement in WWI. The Bolshevik Revolution occurs in mid-1917, which is called the October Revolution. Lenin becomes leader. This is important because Russia becomes the first communist nation. In communism, there is no private land and capitalism is not allowed. In 1921, however, Lenin makes the New Economic Policy, which allows farmers to sell food for profit. This is important because it makes farmers oppose Stalin’s economic ideas later.
Treaty of Versailles The Treaty is signed in 1919 and ends WWI. It creates the League of Nations, which is supposed to make sure war never starts again. It doesn’t work. Treaty treats Germany harshly: forced to lose land, not allowed to have colonies, not allowed to have an army, and they have to claim they started the war. The treaty is very harsh and then not enforced, which angers and humiliates Germans but then allows them to build a strong military. The Treaty of Versailles is important because it is supposed to stop another war but is a huge factor in the beginning of WWII.
Mohandas Gandhi Gandhi was the leader of a nonviolent nationalist movement in India. Arrested in South Africa for protesting treatment of Indian immigrants. Eventually released; then he returned to India. Becomes a leader in the Indian National Congress and leads boycotts of British goods. Many are arrested, including him. He leads the Salt March, an example of civil disobedience to government, to protest taxes. Eventually, Gandhi’s methods work. India earns independence in Gandhi was shot by someone who believed India should take a more violent approach. However, Gandhi led the movement using satyagraha (truth-force) and influenced MLK.
The Great Depression After WWI, the U.S. economy was doing great. The stock market was doing well, but the idea of credit (buying something by borrowing money) was allowing people to buy stuff they couldn’t afford. Eventually, spending slows down and leads to the stock market crash of 1929 on October 29, called Black Tuesday. The Great Depression causes industry and banks to suffer or collapse. It spreads worldwide from the U.S. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) invents the New Deal, which creates public programs that improve the economy. The Great Depression was important because it leads to political instability in Europe and thus eventually WWII.
Rise & power of Mussolini Italy is treated poorly by the Treaty of Versailles because they wait to join the war. Mussolini forms a fascist government: it emphasizes nationalism, militarism, totalitarian government (complete control over society), and devotion to one leader. Mussolini gets rid of other political parties, censors the press, supervises schools, takes control of labor unions, and encourages Catholicism. He does improve industry and infrastructure (physical things needed in society). Mussolini is important because he leads Italy into WWII.
Rise & power of Stalin Stalin gains power by joining the Bolshevik Party. When the Soviet Union is founded, with Vladimir Lenin as leader, Stalin rises in the ranks and becomes dictator when Lenin dies. He creates economic plans where the government controls production of goods. Farmers do not cooperate, and millions starve. Stalin uses the secret police, labor camps, and the “Great Purge” (repression of Russians’ rights). His government is also totalitarian. Stalin joins forces with Hitler early in the war and leads Russia into WWII.
Rise & power of Hitler Germany is very upset after WWI, and their economy is in ruins. They look for a strong leader. Hitler has gained power through the Nazi party, and they gain power. In the book Mein Kampf, Hitler says the main propaganda needed is one huge lie to unite people. In 1933, Hitler becomes chancellor and passes laws banning communism, socialism, unions, and strikes. Hitler becomes absolute leader (Fuhrer) in 1934 and increases the German military. Hitler’s rise to power is important because it shows how Germany’s terrible situation after WWI left them susceptible to rule by insanity. Hitler convinces Germans that he can fix their problems. He causes WWII & the Holocaust.
End of class Read pages (up to “The War Begins”) Create a timeline of all important factors leading to WWII. Include at least 5. Advanced: Compare and contrast the factors leading to WWI & WWII.