Program Information 1
To prepare nurses with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to continuously deliver quality and safe patient care in accordance with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). QSEN Competencies are: 1. Patient-centered care → recognize the patient or designees the source of control & full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values and needs 2
2. Teamwork and Collaboration → functions effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care 3. Evidence-Based Practice → integrate best current evidence with clinical experience and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care 3
4.Quality Improvement → use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems 5. Safety → minimizes the risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance 6. Informatics → use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making 4
Associate of Science Degree; 2 year program Many units transfer to 4 year colleges Accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing Solid reputation; high NCLEX pass rate Excellent clinical facilities Check website FAQs 5
Bio 430 & 431 Anatomy & Physiology Bio 440 General Microbiology EngWr 300 College Composition Psych 300 Intro to Psychology Communication 301 and/or 331 (Public Speaking or Group Communication) Soc 300, *Soc 321 or *Cultural Anth 310 * Qualifies for multicultural requirement 6
Chem 305 is required as prerequisite for Bio 430 & Bio 440, but not a nursing program prerequisite No “in progress” courses at time of application No recency requirement for courses Proof of eligibility for EngRd 310 ***Once a passing grade is achieved in a course taken within LRCCD, it may not be repeated; you may repeat courses outside of LRCCD 7
Graduation requirements Highly recommend completing all before starting program Highly recommend taking Nutrition and Growth & Development; they are no longer required pre-requisite courses For more details go to SCC website and click “Counseling” in quick link menu 8
English 300 satisfies writing requirements English 310/312 passed with “C” meets graduation competency Math competency may be met with passing Math 100, Beg. Algebra or Math 120, Inter. Algebra (Depending on your catalog rights) BS/BA degree meets all Graduation Requirements and Competencies 9
Simple to complex over four semesters Fundamentals Medical Surgical – in each semester Maternal Child Psychiatric-Mental Health Crisis and Multiple Patient Care 10
Dignity Health/Mercy General Kaiser South UCDMC Sutter Medical Center Sacramento Memorial General Center for Psychiatry Sutter Roseville Medical Center Sutter Davis Hospital Sutter Auburn Faith Shriner’s Hospital 11
12 Acute Care Facilities Skilled Nursing Facilities Outpatient Clinics & Doctor’s Offices Correctional Facilities Public Health Community Agencies Occupational or Industrial Nurse Home Health Teaching & Research Leadership Positions
1. Background check, drug screen, immunization tracker= $ CPR with AED – Health Provider =$50 3. Books, uniforms, shoes, Nurse Kit, supplies = $ BRN application, IP, NCLEX, graduation, stole = $ Malpractice insurance ($30), Healthstream ($14) = $44 6. LiveScan fingerprinting = $40 7. Physical Exam, Immunizations, PPD, flu shot = $ Tuition ($46 x 48 units- nursing) = $2208 T O T A L (estimate) = $ 5357 (plus access to computer, Internet, printer, ink, paper) Payment for malpractice, badges, supplies at SCC Business Office 13
Students with a baccaulaurate degree or 72+ units are no longer eligible for financial aid Go to SCC website Financial Aid for FAFSA application and more details Dollar amount varies based on number of units taken per semester Many scholarships are available; posted on bulletin board in Nursing Department 14
Must take TEAS V before applying; cost ($35) HIGHLY recommend studying for the test If a passing score is not achieved, there is a required 3 month wait before being re-tested ATI website to purchase TEAS V Study Manual ($42); also available in Learning Resource Center 15
TEAS can be taken at any available test site including ARC, CSU, Samuel Merritt Test dates at Main and Extended campus; student purchase’s test on day of exam ATI website to find additional testing dates and times Higher TEAS scores earn more points on new enrollment program criteria; only the first passing score will be accepted 16
FULL TIME PROGRAM N407: 4 days/week (26 hours class/clinical and 40 hours studying/preparing) N417, N427, N437: 4 days/week with varying times for theory and clinical; some clinical on evening shift Students must achieve 75% or higher in each ADN class for progression in program 17
May not be allowed in a clinical facility May not be qualified for nursing license BRN has the right to deny any graduate opportunity to take NCLEX Prior to getting into the ADN program, if criminal history is a concern, please check with the BRN 18
SCC ADN program uses an online application process Must apply to the district at in order to obtain a student ID # With student ID # the student can access application through eservices account 19
Previous degrees, health care licenses, certification, direct patient care experience Grade point average (GPA) Life/special circumstances, veteran status Second language proficiency Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Application online; must reapply each semester Check website carefully 20
All nine criterion yields possible 100 points 67 points needed to be placed into random selection pool Below 67 points not eligible to apply to the registered nursing program Class selected from random selection pool 21
Higher GPAs and TEAS scores increase odds of getting into the program Work and life experiences can add points Grades earn point values Will know if eligible to apply to the program No wait lists 22
o Application timelines have changed o Fall and spring classes chosen during one application period o When completing online application you will learn whether you qualify for the pool o If eligible to apply, start gathering suppor ting documents 23
Verification of Program Enrollment Criteria Support documents confirm responses Must submit all documents with online application cover page at the same time Incomplete applications are not processed Will not be notified re missing documents It is the responsibility of the student to make sure there are no missing documents 24
Tattoos may not be visible Mandatory nursing orientations Can be dismissed for excessive absenteeism Expected to take the seat in semester offered ADN program has no waitlists Follow online application instructions carefully! 25