“Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work, in Life.” SACRAMENTO WORKS CALWORKS VESL, ABE/GED, HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION ACTIVITY TRAINING “Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work, in Life.”
CalWorks VESL, ABE/GED, High School Completion Program Goals: - 90% obtainment of diploma - 80% obtainment of certificate (VESL) - 70% enter employment - 75% retain employment for 90 days
Program/Activity Eligibility Sacramento Works Gold Standard status: Not applicable to this activity Valid right-to-work documents Suitable and eligible for program activity Department of Human Assistance Participants must be participating in the Welfare-to-Work program (WTW). Must be determined eligible by Sacramento County DHA.
Step 1: Referral Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:
Referral Process Referral Process FLOWCHART 3 Types of Referrals: Provider recruitment SWCC/SWTC Referral Form Sacramento Works Centers Golden Ticket DHA Referral Process FLOWCHART
Eligibility Verification Checklist Step 1: Referral Step 2: Verification Eligibility Verification Checklist Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:
Eligibility Verification Form This form serves 2 purpose: Used to determine a participant’s eligibility. 2) To obtain pre-approval from DHA. Eligibility Verification Form
Step 1: Referral Step 2: Verification Step 3: Tracking Form
Step 4: Intensive Services Enrollment Step 1: Referral Step 2: Verification Step 3: Tracking Form Step 4: Intensive Services Enrollment
Certificate of Completion (VESL only) General Education Diploma Step 1: Referral Step 2: Verification Certificate of Completion (VESL only) General Education Diploma (GED) Step 3: Tracking Form High School Diploma Employment Step 4: Intensive Services Enrollment Step 5: Case management
Monthly Attendance/ Progress Report & Supportive Services Request Form This DHA form is used to track participation hours for each WTW student. Collected monthly, verified and signed by the Provider. Originals submitted, by the 5th of each month, to the CalWorks VESL, ABE/GED SETA Liaison at the SETA office located on 925 Del Paso Boulevard. Monthly Attendance/ Progress Report & Supportive Services Request Form
DHA Supportive Services Request Form DHA will provide support services for enrolled participants during training. Forward Support Service requests, accompanied with the Tracking Form, to the CalWorks VESL, ABE/GED SETA Liaison. SETA will be responsible for providing continued Supportive Services for timed out clients. DHA Support Services Request Form
Things to Remember: SacWorks Case Review Team (CRT) CalWorks Grant Code = 905 VESL = VESL ABE, GED, High School Diploma = ABE/GED Case Review Team (CRT) Not required for DHA approved clients Required for supportive services not provided by DHA (Enrollment Checklist/CRT Approval Form)
Tracking Form Exercise CHD Class Schedule Jane Smith
Monthly Attendance/Progress Report & Support Services Request September Calendar
We are here to help. Please feel free to contact us. SETA CONTACTS: We are here to help. Please feel free to contact us. Maysua Chervunkong mchervun@delpaso.seta.net Phone: (916) 263-3858 Alex Granchukoff Agranchu@delpaso.seta.net Phone: (916) 263-1661 Michelle O’Camb Michelle@delpaso.seta.net Phone: (916) 263-3868 Thank you!