Special Interests Have Too Much Power In Sacramento The Result: failed government and a state in crisis Multi-billion dollar budget deficits year after year — LAO estimates deficits exceeding $20 billion each year through % unemployment — the 2 nd highest in the country Promises made that we can’t afford — half a trillion dollars in unfunded government employee pensions Schools failing to provide basic education — more than half of all California schools are labeled as failing Higher taxes — the highest general sales tax and 4 th highest income tax in the country THE PROBLEM
California’s Dysfunctional Government — a broken system that encourages special interests to spend millions of dollars influencing politicians. $715 million was contributed to state-level candidates and campaigns during the 2010 election cycle (Source: National Institute for Money in State Politics) 79% of campaign funds are raised outside state lawmakers’ districts (Source: non-partisan MAPLight.org) Nearly 40% of all bills introduced in the legislature are sponsored by special interest lobbyists, and these bills are more than twice as likely to become law (San Jose Mercury News, 7/10/10) More than $1 billion was spent on political activities by 15 special interest organizations alone in a ten-year period (FPPC report) THE PROBLEM
Workers Are Unfairly Forced To Contribute To Politicians By using payroll deduction, which is inherently coercive, corporations and unions are able to extract large sums of money from employees and members. Special interests then use the money to control Sacramento politicians by spending millions of dollars on political causes and campaigns. This system treats public and private workers unfairly – taking their hard-earned money and giving it to politicians through political contributions. THE PROBLEM
The Stop Special Interest Money Now Act A simple, fair and balanced solution that addresses the whole problem of special interests controlling government. In short, it returns power back to the people by limiting both corporate and union political spending. THE SOLUTION
The Stop Special Interest Money Now Act Four Key Components: 1.Bans both corporate and labor union contributions to candidates; 2.Prohibits government contractors from contributing money to government officials who award them contracts; 3.Prohibits corporations and labor unions from collecting political funds from employees and union members using the inherently coercive means of payroll deduction; and 4.Makes all employee political contributions by any other means strictly voluntary, requiring annual written consent. THE SOLUTION
Strong Support for Cutting off Special Interest Money Corporations and unions are spending millions of dollars to get their way in Sacramento; we need to cut off campaign contributions so politicians will pay attention to the voters instead of catering to special interests. AgreeDisagreeStrongly Agree POLLING
Voters Support a Proposition Banning Special Interest Money and Stopping Automatic Paycheck Deductions Banning all corporate and labor union campaign contributions to candidates and political parties, and prohibiting government employers from deducting from employees’ paychecks any amount used for political purposes. YesNoDefinitely Yes POLLING
Voters Blame Corporations and Unions Equally If you could do only one of the following two, what would you do? POLLING Limit the influence of big corporationsLimit the influence of public employee unions 4845
Treat All Special Interests the Same This is a simple, straightforward proposal to clean up politics that treats everybody the same: neither labor unions nor corporations can make campaign contributions anymore. AgreeDisagreeStrongly Agree POLLING
Voters Respond Positively to Voluntary Contributions and Prohibiting Paycheck Deductions for Politics Would you favor or oppose making all political contributions by government employees voluntary, and prohibiting government employers from deducting from employees’ paycheck any amount used for political purposes? FavorOpposeStrongly Favor POLLING
Strong Support for Requiring Written Consent Would you favor or would you oppose requiring that unions, corporations and government employers get the explicit written consent of employees to use any money withheld from employees’ salary for political purposes? FavorOpposeStrongly Favor POLLING
Voters Value Fairness and Choice Over Strong Unions Between these two, who do you agree with more? POLLING We need strong unions to protect workersAll political contributions should be voluntary 2968
Projected Total Expenditures TIMELINE & BUDGET JUNE 2012 PRIMARY ELECTION PhaseAmountStatus Research Phase (2010-Q1 2011) $150,000Completed Qualification (4/1/11-6/15/11)$2.5 million$250,000 COH Campaign (2012)$20 millionEstimate Only Pledges$700,000
Thank You for Your Support HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Make Checks Payable To: Californians Against Special Interests 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 600 Sacramento, CA Californians Against Special Interests is a California state political action committee. Contributions are not tax deductible.