Access for Achievement California K-12 High Speed Network (K12HSN) A state-funded program to ensure network access for CA’s K-12 February 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Access for Achievement California K-12 High Speed Network (K12HSN) A state-funded program to ensure network access for CA’s K-12 February 2007

Access for Achievement K12HSN Video Overview View video introduction

Access for Achievement What is the K12HSN? State program to provide: Network connectivity Internet Services Teaching and Learning Application Coordination Conferencing and Collaboration Services

Access for Achievement K12HSN Mission To enable educators, students, and staff across the state to have access to a reliable high-speed network which has the capacity to deliver high-quality online resources to support teaching and learning and promote academic achievement.

Access for Achievement K12HSN Primary Goals Manage and support a network infrastructure that adequately serves K-12 needs today, tomorrow, and into the future. Promote effective use of the K12HSN to improve teaching and learning.

Access for Achievement Who is K12HSN currently serving? Provides direct service to: 74% (7,039) of schools 89% (887) of districts 100% (58) of County Offices of Education 4,792,263 students * Based on 2005 Connectivity Data

Access for Achievement Global Connections Local Networks Statewide Networks National Networks International Networks

Internet & Internet2 Connectivit y

Access for Achievement CalREN Sites CA’s education backbone linking: –University of California Campuses –California State University Campuses –Community College Campuses –Several Private Universities –And…72 K-12 Node Sites …serving nearly 8,000 local K-12 sites!

Access for Achievement CalREN vs. Commercial Internet Greater Reliability Faster Speeds Quality of Service Added capacity at marginal costs Network Peering Education-oriented Network Operations Center (NOC)

Access for Achievement Internet - Utility, Not Luxury A computer NOT connected to a network is nearly worthless Virtually all digital resources for education are web or browser-based The lack of reliable Internet connectivity seriously disrupts classroom instruction and school administration

Access for Achievement Leveraging Resources When K-12 collaborates with higher education: students have a better chance of being eligible for college students have a better chance of being successful in college colleges spend fewer resources providing remediation for incoming students teacher training programs are better able to prepare teacher candidates for the challenges they will face in K-12 classrooms new teachers have a source of support and mentoring even if they take assignments in small or remote schools with few resources.

Access for Achievement Providing Opportunity University of California College Prep Initiative (UCCPI) and Online Academy (UCOA) View Segment from Borderlink Project (Collaborative of several small high schools in rural southern CA)View Segment

Access for Achievement Leveraging Resources College of the Siskiyous 6,932 K-12 Students 6,300 sq. mi. Avg. school size is 112 students 11 videoconference classes and 25 online courses Videoconferencing Classroom in Happy Camp

Access for Achievement Supporting Collaboration

Access for Achievement Professional Development and Administrative Uses

Access for Achievement Access to Coursework El Dorado County –Geometry Class –8 th Grade –4 Schools View Recorded SegmentView Recorded Segment

Access for Achievement Series of Units of Study Academic Content Standards Based Written By Teachers and Rangers Include On-Line, On-Demand Resources Use Video Conferencing Delivered Across K12HSN PORTS (Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students)

Access for Achievement Crystal Cove State Park

Access for Achievement

Beyond the Node Site Counties and districts are implementing innovation approaches to extend the reach of the network beyond the node site. As an example, Sacramento has leveraged the local cable franchise agreement to extend K12HSN to districts and schools throughout Sacramento County Investment to date: $12,000,000 Counties and districts are implementing innovation approaches to extend the reach of the network beyond the node site. As an example, Sacramento has leveraged the local cable franchise agreement to extend K12HSN to districts and schools throughout Sacramento County Investment to date: $12,000,000 Click image for video

Access for Achievement How Does Sacramento Use the Network? Collaboration to build- out and maintain the network physical infrastructure Comprehensive Web site Licensing instructional resources Collaboration to build- out and maintain the network physical infrastructure Comprehensive Web site Licensing instructional resources

Access for Achievement BESTNet Activities Daily –Videoconferencing –Video on demand –Disaster recovery Periodic –Webcasting –Video events Daily –Videoconferencing –Video on demand –Disaster recovery Periodic –Webcasting –Video events An Elk Grove teacher describes virtual field trip to Museum of Tolerance

Access for Achievement Internet2: Expanding California’s Opportunities

Access for Achievement What is Internet2? A consortium led by 202 universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies

Access for Achievement Sponsored Education Group Participants – 35 States

Access for Achievement K12HSN …serving K-12’s needs today, tomorrow, and into the future.