San Joaquin Valley Advocacy Context and Trends for Change San Joaquin Valley Funders Meeting December 5, 2013
Total New Development: 2.1 million acres High Quality Farmland Lost: 676,000 acres
Other Major Trends
Potential Impact of Climate Change Reduction in crop yields Reduction in suitable areas for some tree fruit and nut crops Reduction in available water (Agriculture 21%; Urban.7%) Consequent reduction in agricultural land (18.7% Central Valley)
High Poverty in the Midst of Plenty
Fresno Growth Pattern (Pre/Post 1945)
Educational Attainment
Population in Poverty
Environmental Vulnerability Zones
Health Challenges One of every five children suffers from asthma Four times more people die in the Valley from air pollution than they do from traffic fatalities Obesity related illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes is higher than other areas of the state (over 9% of adults)
Demographic Trends Between 2010 and 2050, the Valley's population will grow from about 4 million to nearly 7.5 million residents This represents a population increase of 87.5% By 2050, 56.5% of the Valley's population will be Latino Potential electoral change
Civic Engagement: Voices for Change Building Healthy Communities Central Valley Air Quality Coalition Groundswell San Joaquin Valley SB 375 San Joaquin Valley Coalition