CORE California Office to Reform Education Fall Performance Assessment Pilot October-December 2012
CORE California Office to Reform Education CORE Was Born from RttT Round 2 Application Eight districts joined forces to reform education by: 1.Closing the achievement gap 2.Eliminating disproportionality 3.Increasing student achievement for all students 4.Ensuring high quality instruction 5.Guaranteeing student access to college and career standards/curriculum 2
CORE California Office to Reform Education What is the Fall Pilot? The CORE Fall Pilot is a research initiative to engage classroom teachers in the use and calibration of the CORE-developed Performance Assessment Modules. All participating teachers will provide feedback regarding the content, design and implementation experiences.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Rationale for Performance Task Development Initiative A.CCSS were adopted by CA in August, B.New performance-based state assessments (SBAC) come on line in C.Starting with the end in mind: 1.The need to establish student learning expectations before teaching the content. 2.Engaging in formative assessment to adjust instruction based on student performance data.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Performance Task Development Process During June 2012, approximately 200 participating teachers and other educators joined together to develop 84 performance task modules. Participants: 1.Were trained in formative assessment, ELA and Math CCSS, and Smarter Balanced (SBAC) design specifications 2. Worked in cross-district design teams
CORE California Office to Reform Education Module Content/Grade Levels ELA Grades: 1, 4, 7 and 9 Math Grades: 3, 5 and 7
CORE California Office to Reform Education Performance Task Assessment Design The CORE Performance Task Assessment Modules are: – modeled after the SBAC design specifications. –aligned to the CCSS in ELA and math content.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Information Processing/ Constructed Response Items Short Answer Increasing Rigor Information Processing/ Constructed Response Items Short Answer Increasing Rigor SBAC-Aligned Performance Task Assessment Module Cognitive Ramp Performance Task/Product Analytic Essay Prompt Quantitative Problem Scoring Rubric Performance Task/Product Analytic Essay Prompt Quantitative Problem Scoring Rubric Cognitive Demand Student Performance Level Item “Stimulus” Text Data Set Analytic Tools “Stimulus” Text Data Set Analytic Tools Low Mid High Annotated Student Work Exemplars Annotated Student Work Exemplars Teacher Directions
CORE California Office to Reform Education SBAC Specs for Performance Task- Language Arts
CORE California Office to Reform Education SBAC Specs for Performance Task- Math
CORE California Office to Reform Education Administration Timeline All CORE Performance Task Assessment Modules shall be administered in classrooms between October 8 and December 15, Teacher participant logs for research shall be completed on-line before December 30, Selected participating teachers will be invited to participate in individual and/or focus group interviews following the administration window.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Fall Pilot Research Investigation Working in collaboration, California Education Partners (Ed Partners), The Center for Future Teaching and Learning at West Ed (CFTL), and the Regional Educational Laboratory West (REL West) at West Ed, will study the implementation of the performance tasks across all of the piloting districts.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Fall Pilot Research Goals The specific goals of this joint research investigation are to: 1.Garner feedback from teachers on the performance tasks modules to inform the implementation of future CORE initiatives. 2.Understand teacher’s perceptions and experiences implementing the performance tasks. 3.Receive feedback through teachers regarding student learning and their reactions to the use of the performance tasks. 4.Understand how the formative assessments help elementary teachers in CORE districts better understand the instructional shifts called for by the Common Core State Standards. 5.Understand what participating teachers see as their greatest challenges in teaching to the Common Core, in terms of their own knowledge and skill and any other systemic barriers to change. 6.Determine what additional/next-step support teachers need.
CORE California Office to Reform Education Teacher Requirements 1.Participate in Pre-Pilot Preparation (i.e., today’s training) 2.Review assigned Performance Assessment Module and plan classroom implementation 3.Engage students in performance assessment tasks 4.Complete Pilot “experience log” (online survey) 5.Identify and submit 8 (anonymous) student work samples—2 representing each of the 4 levels of the summative rubric 6.Participate in individual and/or focus group interviews (optional)
CORE California Office to Reform Education Module Walk Through Take an opportunity to complete one or both module examples. Discuss the elements present in each of the modules. Noting any differences or similarities. Discuss Module implementation planning
CORE California Office to Reform Education Q & A
CORE California Office to Reform Education Assigning and Planning Modules Review assigned Module Plan classroom implementation