Sector Strategies and Career Pathways Linda Collins Career Ladders Project Working Together to Provide Educational and Career Advancement Opportunities.


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Presentation transcript:

Sector Strategies and Career Pathways Linda Collins Career Ladders Project Working Together to Provide Educational and Career Advancement Opportunities February 26, 2013

Career Ladders Project: Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC) Founded by the California Community College Board of Governors to foster educational and career advancement for Californians. Founding policy document, Ladders of Opportunity, reframed economic and workforce development, career technical education, and the relationship among workforce and education systems within a pathways framework. 3 Governors, 5 CCC Chancellors, 4 CA WIB Directors, and 2 major recessions later...

Urgency and Convergence of Forces State budget crises: need to better leverage scarce public and private resources Downsizing and rationing: CCs and adult ed High unemployment; 2M+ out of work Skills gap: employers need skilled workers “Demographic gap” – baby boomers retiring, employers need diverse workforce and customer base Collective impact strategy Philanthropy and intermediaries

The California EDGE Coalition Business, labor, social justice groups united on 5 core principles: 1.Invest in regional workforce & econ development strategies to build prosperous communities and competitive industries; 2.Provide all Californians access to high quality post-secondary education and training; 3.Provide working adults opportunities to move up the skill ladder; 4.Link workforce programs and institutions to create pathways to high wage jobs; 5.Align program goals and measures to achieve a shared vision of California’s future and to ensure accountability.

San Diego/Imperial Los Angeles Orange County East Bay North Bay SF/Mid Peninsula Silicon Valley Santa Cruz/Monterey Inland Empire/Desert Greater Sacramento Northern Inland CA Northern Coastal CA South Central Central Mother Lode California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students California’s reality: many regional economies

Promote the expansion of regional networks around major regional priority sectors; Create and align sector-focused efforts among state level partners to guide regions in their sector work; Identify, develop, expand, replicate and promote industry-specific career pathway partnerships; Identify and remove barrier to investments of local job training funds in CTE programs; Implement evidence-based models that build partnerships between Adult Ed, CCs, and WIBS, and reduce the time students spend in remediation; Identify common cross-system metrics, align outcome measures, monitor and report progress toward goals. California’s Strategic Workforce Plan

7 7 Jobs & Economy Goals: Supply in-demand skills for employers Create relevant pathways and stackable credentials Get Californians into open jobs Promote student success Community colleges refocusing to train by sector by region. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

California’s workforce system refocusing to train by sector by region. Governor California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) State Leadership Body CWIB, Labor Agency, CCCCO, ETP, EDD, DAS, CDE’s Adult Ed, HHS, GoBiz, and others Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Develop shared goals for the system; Align and repurpose resources to achieve those goals; Establish metrics for success and develop “integrated” data collection system; Establish statewide communities-of-practice and support technical assistance (TA) to regions; Work together to develop an effective system of actionable labor market information; monitor progress; course correct. Regional Workforce & Econ Dev Network(s)

Establish pathways to high wage careers for underemployed, underprepared youth and adults – in sectors of importance in regional economies CCCCO Demonstration project ―Phase 1: 3 regions (East Bay, Central Valley, LA) 29 colleges ―Phase 2: expanded to 4 regions in ―Serving > 8,700 students to date ―SB70: $25 million investment (2007 – 2014) ―Public/Private Partnership between CCCCO and philanthropy ―Career Ladders Project: TA/support/coordination ―Independent Evaluation (OMG) and data ―Leverage external investments and growing support Course Success: 75% Retention: 90% Career Advancement Academies

Integrated basic skills and career technical training ―Contextualized approach makes learning career relevant ―Work readiness incorporated along with basic and technical skills ―Expedite and accelerate student progress Clearly defined pathways with attention to transitions ―Students earn certificates that make them employable and are aligned with continuing education; stackable design Cohort based learning communities ―Provide strong peer supports among students ―Faculty collaborate to integrate content and support students Integrated student services ―Embedded in learning community and ―Leverage external resources and benefits to support success Partnerships and leveraged resources ―Business/industry, labor, WIBS, CBOs, K12//ROCPs/adult ed/4 yr. CAAs: A Framework of Effective Practice

Beachhead for innovation and uptake of practice– building champions, redesigning programs into pathways and rewiring colleges and regional partnerships CAAs foundational to two TAA-CCT grants in CA: – Design It, Build It, Ship It ($15 M) - East Bay CAA – Central California Community Colleges Committed to Change (C6)” ($20 M) – “CVCAA on steroids” Building across, out and in

To access chart:

From courses/majors to programs of study in pathway framework

Prop 30 passed; shoring up funding to PSE Governor: –move adult education to CCC –restore some CCC funding, but move census to end of semester Student Success Act of 2012 (SB1456) Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy (CCCCO) CTE pathways categorical (SB1070) Career Pathways Funding – Tax credits, Social Enterprise Bonds, Trust Funds (AB594 Steinberg) Looking ahead