Teachers College Columbia University Raising the Level of Close-Reading
Creating Shared Beliefs and Vision Honing Methods to Increase Agency and Transference Studying Text Complexity Deepening Engagement With Writing About Reading Working on Evidence-based Argument Across the Curriculum Raising the Level of Close Reading & Argument
Say back what the text says and suggests (standard 1) Determine central ideas, themes, morals, lessons (standard 2) Connect parts of the text (standard 3) Common Core Close Reading
Analyze figurative language, symbolism, metaphor (standard 4) Analyze structural choices (standard 5) Discern perspective and point of view (standard 6) Common Core Close Reading
Compare and contrast multiple versions or different media (standard 7) Analyze overall argument (standard 8) Compare and contrast how texts develop similar themes/ideas (standard 9) Common Core Close Reading
‘Interrupted reading’ (Donna Santman, Shades of Meaning ) Partner discussion (Lucy Calkins, The Art of Teaching Reading) Prompting, practice, feedback, practice (John Hattie, Visible Learning for Teachers ) Deepening reading practices (Robert Scholes, Protocols of Reading, Lehman & Roberts, Falling in Love With Close Reading ) Instructional Read Aloud