Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza & A Day’s Wait by Ernest Hemingway
The plan…. Objectives Review Compare and Contrast Fill in the Table Barrio Boy & A Day’s Wait Ernesto Galarza & Ernest Hemingway Compare and Contrast Fill in the Table Complete the Venn Diagram Evaluation Questions Homework Unfinished Classwork Preview: All Summer in a Day
Objectives Students will develop compare and contrast skills Students will demonstrate reading and listening comprehension skills by completing graphic organizers
Barrio Boy tells about an important real event in the writer’s life. A Day’s Wait is the story of an imagined boy on a single day.
Ernesto Galarza When he was seven years old, Ernesto Galarza moved form Mexico to California. There his family harvested crops in the field of Sacramento and struggled to make ends meet. Galarza learned English quickly and won a scholarship for college. Helping farm workers from 1936 to 1947, Galarza served as chief of the division of Labor and Social information for the Pan-American Union, dealing with education and labor in Latin America. When he returned to California, he worked to gain rights for farm workers.
Ernest Hemingway A true adventurer, Ernest Hemingway based much of his writing on his own experiences. He served as an ambulance driver in World War I, worked as a journalist, traveled the world, and enjoyed outdoor sports. Writing about the familiar, Hemingway’s fiction celebrated his spirit of adventure. The story “ A Day’s Wait” captures the quite bravery of many of his characters.
Fiction and Nonfiction Fiction is prose writing that tells about imaginary characters and events. Novels, novellas, and short stories are types of fiction. Nonfiction is prose writing that presents and explains ideas or tells about REAL people, places, objects, or events. News articles, essays, and historical accounts are types of nonfiction.
Both selections are examples of narrative writing Both selections are examples of narrative writing. They each tell a story with the following elements. A narrator that tells the story. Characters, or real people living the story. Dialogue, or the conversations that characters have Story events that make up the action Barrio Boy Nonfiction (narrative) About real people Has characters A Day’s Wait fiction (narrative). About imaginary characters
Compare and Contrast Barrio Boy Both Imaginary Real characters A Day’s Wait Imaginary characters
Title Author Style & Genre Narrator (1st person or 3rd) Characters Setting Where? when? What is the problem? Why? Did the character have a problem? Important Events Which events make up the action of the story? What is the solution? How did the character solve the problem? How wa s it solved? Lesson What did the characters or readers learn?
How are the stories the same or similar? Evaluation: How are the stories the same or similar? How are the stories different?
Complete the table and Venn diagram Classwork/Homework: Complete the table and Venn diagram
Preview: All Summer in a Day The End