Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Obtain information to identify where water is found on Earth and that is can be liquid or solid. Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water in an area. 2-ESS2-2,3 Hello boys and girls, Before coming out to the Discovery Zone why not introduce yourself to some of the cool words we will be using. IVDZ
liquid – A liquid is a phase of matter that fits in to the shape of a container and flows freely like water As the snow melted it changed to liquid water. Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-ESS2-2,3 Liquid water can become solid if cooled. Many solids can become liquids if heated.
Solid – A solid is a phase of matter that holds its shape, does NOT flow like a liquid The lucky gold miner found a nugget of solid gold in the river. Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” IVDZ 2-ESS2-2,3 Find a few examples of solids in your classroom.
symbol – A symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else. The symbol on the map for a capital city is a star. Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” IVDZ A map key is made so you know what symbols stand for! 2-ESS2-2,3 Sacramento
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” IVDZ model – some thing used as an example to follow or imitate another object Models help us learn about the object they are imitating. 2-ESS2-2,3
Map – a model, usually on a flat surface, that models the features of an area of the earth IVDZ Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” I used the map to find my way to Seaworld in San Diego. 2-ESS2-2,3 Can you think of a reason you would need a map?
Remember these things when you Come out to the Discovery Zone. We’ll see you soon! Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” IVDZ 2-ESS2-2,3 Obtain information to identify where water is found of Earth and that it can be solid or liquid. Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water in an area.