Temperature Measurement Thermometer
Air Temperature Data Daily Mean Daily Range Monthly Mean Annual Mean Annual Range Normal
Salt Lake City Temperatures 2004 – Observed, Normals, Records Temp. time series: temp at one place over time
What Controls Temperatures at a Particular Location? Latitude Altitude Nearby water (especially oceans) Ocean currents Position relative to prevaling winds Mountains isolate water effects Cloud cover (and albedo)
Sun Angles at Different Latitudes
Altitude Guayaquil: sealevel Quito: 9200 ft
Hidden Peak, Snowbird Alt = 11,000’ High = 32 o F North Provo Alt = 4600’ High = 47 o F
Monthly average high & low temps for Sacramento (red) and San Francisco (black) California Oceans (water) Moderate Temps of Coastal AreasSacramento San Francisco
Coasts and prevailing wind direction
Ocean Currents
Geographic Position Mountains
Fog in Salt Lake Valley
Effects of Inversion & Cloud Cover in SLC Area 1/20 – 1/27/05 Alta Base 8800’ 47 o F Highs Olympus Cove 5600’ 29 – 32 o F Highs Sugarhouse 4400’ 32 – 33 o F Highs
Cloud Cover
World Distribution of Temperatures Annual Range (highest monthly ave. minus lowest monthly ave.)
World Distribution of Temperatures January Means
World Distribution of Temperatures July Means
Daily Variations in Air Temperature
Maximum & Minimum Thermometers
Temperature Scales
Wind-Chill Factor
Chapter 3 END
Land & Water