…we need to continue to practice finding subjects and predicates. Single underline the complete subject, and put a box around the simple subject. Then, double underline the complete predicate and circle the simple predicate. 1. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France, but American contributions paid for the pedestal. 2. Did you go to the library or visit the museum first?
adverb clause – subordinate clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb - tells how, where, to what extent, when, why, or under what condition ex) Before you go home, buy some milk.
modifying a verb: When you leave, lock the door. modifying an adjective: The actor became nervous when he couldn’t remember his lines. modifying an adverb: Don’t run the water longer than you must.
subordinating conjunction– word that usually introduces an adverb clause - examples: after, before, when, while ex) When you leave, lock the door.
NOTE: You can move adverb clauses, but the punctuation changes if it is no longer an introductory clause! ex) When you leave, lock the door. ex) Lock the door when you leave.
Here is how to diagram a sentence so that you can see visually how clauses work. NOTE: Each clause has a subject, verb, and complement! Sentence with a regular adverb: I was extremely upset. Sentence with an adverb clause: I was upset when Dave forgot my Snickers.
In the sentences below, underline the adverb clause, then circle the word it modifies. When we approached, the “ghost” disappeared. Why does my sister follow me wherever I go? Orange cultivation spread as the Roman Empire grew.