What is Participle?
Two kinds of participle –Present participle (V-ing) –Past participle (V-3)
The steps to finding a participle: 1. Find the subject and verb to eliminate any confusion. 2. Decide what part of the sentence the verbal belongs to.
Al Gore, knocked around by Bill Bradley for being "pro-gun," is confidently pushing gun control to the forefront of his presidential campaign. The activist called for a waiting period for gun purchases to help reduce illegal gun trafficking. Headed by conservative media watchdog leader Brent Bozell, the Parents Television Council announced the results of a study.
The network reported on the springtime ritual of young men and women flocking to warm beaches around the globe. The statement issued by Columbia noted that a current weakness of the Internet is the inability to authenticate material. The armed services struggle to meet recruiting goals in a tight job market.
Functions 1. Finite verb –Continuous tense (present, past,future) –Passive voice –Perfect tense (present, past, future) 2. Non-finite verb (active, passive)
Three kinds of participle –Present participle (V-ing) *Active meaning (reduced from active sentence) –Past participle (V-3) *Passive meaning (reduced from passive voice -Perfect participle (Having + V3) Passive (reduced from perfect tense)
How to reduce Simple sentence From Compound sentence (Fanboys) From Complex sentence –Noun Clause –Adjective Clause –Adverb Clause Adverb Clause of Time Adverb Clause of Cause Adverb Clause of Condition Adverb Clause of Contrast Adverb Clause of Manner Adverb Clause of Purpose
Participle Duties As adjective clause Together with other finite verbs Modifying Complement Saying the causes Mention the condition Telling the contrasting Telling manner Before verbs Separating and combining Absolute