The Phrase English 1 Mr. O’Connell Loyola High School
Review Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Identify and label the adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions in the following sentences: John willingly gave a five-dollar bill to Jim. Jim then took the money and hopped on the bus. During the bus ride, Jim fell asleep and missed his stop. When he woke up, he frantically asked everyone around him where he was. His fellow passengers laughed at him and informed him that the old bus had broken down at 15 th Street. To his relief, Jim was only two blocks from his stop.
Review Adjective Modifies a noun or pronoun Tell what kind, which one, or how many Examples: Adverb Modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb Tells how, when, where, or to what extent (how much or how often) Examples:
The Phrase What is a phrase? A group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain a verb and its subject. What phrases have we encountered so far? Prepositional Phrase Includes a preposition and a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object
Prepositional Phrase Prepositional phrases have a purpose What purpose do they serve? Tell what kind, which one, how, when, where, why, or to what extent They act as a single part of speech Either an Adjective or An Adverb These are called Adjective Phrases or Adverb Phrases
Adjective Phrase Prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or a pronoun Tells what kind or which one Example:
Adverb Phrase Prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb Tells how, when, where, why, or to what extent (how long or how far) Example:
Identify the Adjective and Adverb Phrases in the following sentences: John willingly gave a five-dollar bill to Jim. Jim then took the money and hopped on the bus. During the bus ride, Jim fell asleep and missed his stop. When he woke up, he frantically asked everyone around him where he was. His fellow passengers laughed at him and informed him that the old bus had broken down at 15 th Street. To his relief, Jim was only two blocks from his stop.
Group Work With a partner, write your own sentences: 2 Sentences with Adjective Phrases: 1 sentence tells what kind 1 sentence tells which one 5 Sentences with Adverb Phrases: 1 sentence tells how 1 sentence tells when 1 sentence tells where 1 sentence tells why 1 sentence tells to what extent
On Your Own Write a paragraph describing your room at home. Use adjective and adverb phrases to add description. Your paragraph must include at least 3 adjective phrase and 3 adverb phrases. Underline the phrases and label them. Due at the end of class
Verbals Verbal A form of a VERB used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb For example: I like fishing Verbal Phrase Consists of a verbal and its modifiers and complements For example: Shopping for shoes is her favorite activity
Types of Verbals Three kinds: Participle, Gerund, Infinitive Thus, there are also three types of verbal phrases: Participial Phrase Gerund Phrase Infinitive Phrase
The Participle Participle A verb form that is used as an adjective For example: Jack has taken singing lessons for several years We could hear something moving in the underbrush. The baked chicken smelled delicious. Confused and frightened, they fled the jungle
The Participle Continued Three kinds of Participles: Present Participle—ends in –ing Past Participle—end in –d or –ed (or other irregular forms) Perfect Participle—formed with the helping verb “having For example: Having worked all day, Dan was ready for a nap
Participial Phrase Note the different spelling… Consists of a participle and all of the words related to the participle For example: Farting loudly, Jack made the whole class laugh. Nodding his head, the defendant admitted his guilt Dominic Lopez, often called D-Lo, is in Mr. O’Connell’s class.
Participles Turn to page 613 in Elements of Writing As a class, do Exercise 3 and Review B
Gerunds Definition: A verb form ending in –ing that is used as a NOUN For example: Diving is a great sport. (Subject) Chad’s hobby is rapping. (Predicate Nominative) James enjoys tapping his desk. (Direct Object) Jimmie gave studying all his attention (Ind. Object) In rowing, you can’t stop even for a second. (Object of Prep.)
Gerund Phrase Guess what this is? Definition: Consists of a gerund and all of the words related to the gerund Examples?
Gerunds Turn to page 615 in Elements Exercise 4 Review C
Homework English Workshop Pages , Exercises 1-7