EfS Grammar IX: Adjectives and Adverbs A very small difference and the difference that it makes.
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Adjective Question What is something/somebody like? An adjective tells us something about the properties (size, shape, colour, etc.) of a person or an object. They are found: normally in front of the noun they qualify, but sometimes following it; as the complement of e.g. the verb to be.
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Adverb Question How? An adverb tells is something of the closer circumstances of e.g. an action. They are found: near the verb, adjective or adverb they qualify; at the front, middle or end positions of a sentence.
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Adverb Form Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly onto an existing adjective: slowslowlyextremeextremely properproperlytotaltotally But beware of some spellings: -yhappyhappilynoisynoisily -e 1 gentlegently -e 2 wholewholly truetruly And one exception:goodwell
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Adverb Form and Meaning Some adverb/adjective pairs do not change. Sometimes the word ending in -ly has a different meaning: Adjective + adverb hard late high lovely Adverb hardly, kaum lately, neulich highly, sehr, stark lovely
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Application Summary Adjectives apply to: nouns; verbs of state. Adverbs apply to: verbs of action; adjectives; adverbs.
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Examples: Simple Applications Cary Crooner is beautiful. What is Cary Crooner like? He is beautiful. He sings beautifully. How does he sing? Beautifully.
WiSe 2007/08© 2007, Lee Traynor, MA (Oxon) EfS Grammar VIII: Adjectives and Adverbs Examples: Complex Applications This book is terribly dull. What is this book like? It is dull. How dull is it? It is terribly dull. Cary sings extremely beautifully. How does he sing? He sings beautifully. How beautifully does he sing? He sings extremely beautifully.