Adverb Practice Paragraphs from Houghton Mifflin Text
Meredith ’ s Birthday Surprise The sun shone through her bedroom window the morning of Meredith’s birthday. She crawled out of bed. Then, she heard a whistle. Meredith ran to the window. Her parents waved from the yard. A horse stood beside them. What an exciting birthday surprise! Add details to the story below by adding adverbs that tell how to describe the underlined verbs.
Look ! I ’ m Flying ! We boarded the plane. The jet engines started. The plane raced along the runway and rose into the air. My heart was beating, and my stomach filled with butterflies. I relaxed when the flight became smooth. I loved the ride. Add details to the story below by adding adverbs that tell how. Choose adverbs below or think of your own. carefully slowly wildly suddenly quickly smoothly eagerly truly