Sentence Diagramming Through Adjective / Adverb
1.The average athlete played ferociously. 2.Frank and Melissa have been talking recently. 3.Grammar sucks. 4.Our big red truck has been struggling. 5.Will the weather cooperate? A B C D E
Using the following sentence to answer questions Evil villains often suffer tremendously. 6. The word “evil” is a(n): a.Adverb b. Subject c. Adjective d. Verb 7. The word “suffer” is a(n): a. Verb b. Adjective c. Adverb d. Subject 8. The subject of the sentence is: a.Suffer b. Villains c. Often d. Evil 9. There are two adverbs in the sentence. They are: a.often & tremendously b. evil & villains c.suffer & often d. villains & suffer 10. If this sentence were diagrammed, which of the following words is not a modifier (adjective or adverb) and therefore would not appear on a diagonal line? a. Evil b. Often c. Suffer d. tremendously