Vocabulary Lesson 6
Amicable Friendly From Latin word amicus meaning “friend.”
Amicable Form of the word: Amicability: noun Amicably: adverb
Anguish Great physical or mental pain
Blithe Cheerful; carefree; lighthearted Blithely: adverb
Defiant Openly or boldly challenging authority Defiance: noun Defiantly: adverb Defy: verb
Desolate Lonely and sad; wretched; forlorn. Having little or no vegetation; barren. Having few or no inhabitants; deserted. Desolation: noun From Latin word desolare, meaning “to leave all alone.”
Despondent Depressed; dejected, in low spirits.
Form of the word: Despondency: noun Despondently: adverb
Disgruntled Discontented or cross
Disillusion To disappoint or disenchant Disillusionment: noun
Distress Anxiety, discomfort, or suffering Distressingly: adverb
Exuberant Full of enthusiasm; lively and joyous From the Latin word, exuberare, meaning “to abound.”
Form of the word: exuberance: noun exuberantly: adverb