iTrackR Ed AdverbsAdverbs
Recall previous knowledge: What is an adverb? a)An adverb describes a verb b)An adverb is a name a place c)An adverb describes people Text the answer
Learning Objectives: Reading: To identify and recognise adverbs Writing: To use adverbs to improve sentences Task:Independent study: choose movie task Adverbs
Adverbs help build up description. Some adverbs can be made by adding ly to an adjective Adverbs help build up description. Some adverbs can be made by adding ly to an adjective Adverbs are words that add to (or describe) a verb badly awfully How did you do in the test?
Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs in the sentence: The man ran hastily. ran is the verb, and hastily is the adverb, which tells us how the man ran. : Adverbs describe verbs in the sentence: The man ran hastily. ran is the verb, and hastily is the adverb, which tells us how the man ran. : Adverbs tell us how, when or where the action (verb) took place
Adverbs Adverbs of time tell us when the action (verb) took place. The car arrived too late. The verb is ‘arrived’. The adverb ‘late’, tells us when the car arrived. The car arrived too late. The verb is ‘arrived’. The adverb ‘late’, tells us when the car arrived.
Adverbs Adverbs of place tell us where the action (verb) took place. The chief marched in front.. Adverbs of place tell us where the action (verb) took place. The chief marched in front.. The verb is ‘marched’. The adverb ‘in front’, tells us where he marched The verb is ‘marched’. The adverb ‘in front’, tells us where he marched
Using Adverbs 1.Sherlock turned over in his sleep. 2.Dr Watson walked wearily along the corridor. 3.He screamed desperately for help. 1.Sherlock turned over in his sleep. 2.Dr Watson walked wearily along the corridor. 3.He screamed desperately for help. Spot the adverbs in the following sentences:
Using Adverbs B) Change these adjectives into adverbs that end with ibly or ably To make an adjective into an adverb add ly. However, if the word ends in le – take away the le then add ly. To make an adjective into an adverb add ly. However, if the word ends in le – take away the le then add ly. comfortable miserable terrible impossible horrible A) Change these adjectives into adverbs kindmadgentlelastsilentbright
Miss Marks The Examiner Mistakes to avoid Don’t forget capital letters and conjunctions. End sentences with either a full stop, question or exclamation mark. Remember words which describe how actions are done are called adverbs, eg breathlessly, rapidly, skilfully, immediately, comfortably, fearlessly Assessment criteria: Punctuate sentences correctly so that the meaning is clear (Ws/L1.3) Present information in logical sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate (Wt/L1.3) Assessment criteria: Punctuate sentences correctly so that the meaning is clear (Ws/L1.3) Present information in logical sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate (Wt/L1.3)
BRONZE - Create a poster of your favourite film. 10 points SILVER – Identify your favourite film and write why in less than 100 words. 25 points GOLD – Evaluate & Review your favourite film in 250 words! Add trailer and images. 50 points 3, 2, 1…and action!
Remember to include:The title of this film The genre (type) of film Who are the stars of the film? What would you give this review out of ten? What is the certificate rating? When is the film out on release? Remember to include:The title of this film The genre (type) of film Who are the stars of the film? What would you give this review out of ten? What is the certificate rating? When is the film out on release?
Rom – Com Comedy Fantasy/Adventure Action Horror Crime Biography Family Rom – Com Comedy Fantasy/Adventure Action Horror Crime Biography Family Genre Quiz
Peer Assessment Look back through the writing. Write a list of all the things you thought your partner did really well. Include things linked to the objectives, but also include things that were not. Write a list of everything s/he did right. Give examples. SWAP
If you were to go back in time and start today’s lesson again, what would you change and why?
Plenary & Self assessment Review Learning Objectives: Reading: were you able to identify and recognise some adverbs? Writing: did you add some adverbs to improve your presentation? Review Learning Objectives: Reading: were you able to identify and recognise some adverbs? Writing: did you add some adverbs to improve your presentation? Did you remember to complete your self assessment?