ADJECTIVES – words describing nouns/pronouns ENGLISH – small; pretty LATIN – parvus; pulchra ADVERBS – describes a verb ENGLISH – quickly; slowly LATIN– celeriter; tarde (THIS IS WHAT WE KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2 Types of Adjectives: 1 st /2 nd declension - e.g. laetus, -a, -um 3 rd declension - e.g. celeris, -is, -e DICTIONARY FORM – masc. nom. sing., fem., nom., sing., neuter, nom., sing. – meaning Their endings must AGREE with the gender, number, and case of the Latin noun they describe ◦ EXAMPLES: parvus porcus – the small pig “porcus” is masculine, nominative, singular “parvus” has a masculine, nominative, singular ending THUS, they AGREE!!! tardus senator – the slow senator “senator” is masculine, nominative, singular “tardus” has a masculine, nominative, singular ending THUS, they AGREE!!!
Adverbs are formed from Adjectives Adverbs ending in “-e” come from 1 st /2 nd declen. Adjectives (us, a, um Adj.) Adverbs ending in “-ter”, or “-iter” come from 3 rd declen. Adjectives (is, is, e Adj.) e.g. - tardus = slow; tarde = slowly laetās = happy; laete = happily celeris = quick/fast; celeriter = quickly fortis = brave; fortiter = bravely
POSITIVE ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS ADJECTIVE: clarus,-a,-um (1 st /2 nd declen. Adj.) ADVERB: clare ADJECTIVE: lēvis, levis, lēve (3 rd declen. Adj.) ADVERB: lēviter NOTA BENE: like everything in LATIN, there are exceptions to the rules above e.g. … bonus,-a,-um (good) becomes, bene – well** parvus, -a,-um(small) becomes, paulum-little** magnus,-a,-um(great) becomes, magnopere- greatly** Irregular adverbs; forms must be memorized!
Identify each as an adjective or adverb from the Stage 21 vocab. list and translate: 1. graviter - ________2. nonnullae - ________ 3. sapiens - ________4. occupate - _________ 5. durum - _________6. **nuper -____________ **different endings, check MEANING!!!** Change each ADJ. to an ADV. based on your notes & translate. 1. peritus - ___________ 2. plenus -_______________ 3. sapientis - _________ 4. avidī - ________________ 5. tristem - __________ 6. audacibus - ____________
DEGREE OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Positive, Comparative, Superlative ADJECTIVES: EXAMPLES:ENGLISHLATIN Positive -prettypulcher Comparative - prettierpulchrior Superlative -prettiestpulcherrima ADVERBS Positive -quicklyceleriter Comparative - more quicklycelerius Superlative -very quicklycelerrime
quam = “than” or “how” Uses of “quam” 1. quam + regular/positive adj. = “how” ex. quam pulchra est puella! How pretty the girl is! 2. quam + comparative adj. = “than” ex. Caecilius est quam pulchrior Quintus. Caecilius is more handsome than Quintus. 3. quam + superlative adj. = “as…as possible” ex. quam celerrimus – as quick as possible ***when used with a superlative ADVERB, quam celerrime = as quickLY as possible