6 Types of Syllables
6 Types of Syllables 1-Closed 2-Open 3-Magic E 4-Vowel Pair 5-Controlled R 6-Final Stable
Consonant Vowel Consonant Syllable Type: “Closed” Consonant Vowel Consonant C V C -------------------------------------- h a t c v c C
Syllable Type: “Closed” Starts with a Consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k,l, m, n p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z) Next letter is a Vowel (a, e, i, o, u and y) Ends with a Consonant Proof: CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) Label as “C” for Closed syllable
Syllable Type: “Closed” Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) m a d (2) h i d (3) m o p
Syllable Type: “Closed” Consonant blend = CONSONANT: bl cr dr fr pr scr th ch nt ld ss ck tch rd nd rt Black scratch hand dress c v c c v c c v c c v c
Syllable Type: “Closed” Try it! Prove it! Label it! (4) blast (5) thank (6) switch
Syllable Type: “Closed” 7. 9. 8. 10.
Syllable Type: “Closed” Turn and talk: What does a Closed Syllable look like? How do you prove it? How do you label it?
Knowledge Check: “Closed” (11) What is a Closed syllable? (describe in your own words) _____________________________ _____________________________ Write 2 Closed syllable words. Prove and label them. (12)_________ (13)_________
Closed: Turn and Talk The End Menu Closed syllables are __ V __ syllables. The ________ is between two consonants. Label the closed syllable with a “__” The End Menu
(consonant + vowel……that’s it!) O d o c v Syllable Type: “Open” (consonant + vowel……that’s it!) O d o c v 3rd type of syllable out of 6 types
Syllable Type: “Open” Starts with a Consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k,l, m, n p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z) Next letter is a Vowel (a, e, i, o, u and y) That’s it! Proof: cv (consonant/vowel) Label as “O” for OPEN syllable
Turn and Talk about Open Syllable What does an OPEN syllable look like? Think of 1 OPEN syllable words. Share it – prove it – label it!
Syllable Type: “Open” Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) t o (2) b e
Oddball Open Syllables: “ow” is a vowel sound as in O SH OW c v N OW c v
Oddball Open Syllables: Try it! Prove it! Label it! (4) c o w (5) k n o w (6) m o w
Write an “O” word that best described the pictures: (7) (9) (8) (10)
Syllable Type: “Open” (11) What is a Open syllable? (describe in your own words) _____________________________ Write 2 Open syllable words. Prove and label them. (12)_________ (13)_________
Label the syllables: C=closed O=open 1.step 2.by 3.top 4.fat 5. sky 6.sand 7.show 8.me 9.now 10.chess 11.switch 12.cow
Syllable Type: “Open” Turn and Talk: What is O? How do you prove O? How are C and O different? The end Menu
Syllable Type: “Magic E” (otherwise known as “silent e” and is noted by “M-E”) M-E t a m e (long) (silent) 3rd type of syllable out of 6 types Do you notice anything about the color red and green that I have used?
Magic E (g a t e) Ends in a silent e (“e” makes no sound) *Previous vowel is a long vowel Proof: cross out silent e and put a line over long vowel Label as “M-E” for Magic-E syllable Vocabulary Word: *previous means “before” something else
Magic E (M-E) Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) m a d e (2) h i d e (3) r o p e
Turn and Talk about M-E! What does an M-E syllable look like? Think of 1 word with M-E Share it! Prove it! Label it!
Magic E (M-E) Write the word “baseball” on your paper Prove and Label the M-E syllable on your paper…(hint—color) (4) b a s e b a l l (4b) Bonus: What type of syllable is “ball”… Prove it!!!
Magic E (M-E) _____________.Prove it - Label it Write the word that names this item: _____________.Prove it - Label it
Magic-E (M-E) Write it! Prove it! Label it! (6) (8) (7) (9)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: “M-E” SYLLABLES (10) What is a M-E syllable? (describe in your own words) _____________________________ Write 2 M-E words. Prove and label them. (11)_________ (12)_________ Make copies of this slide for each student
Label the syllables: C=closed O=open M-E=magic-E 1.Step 2.Bone 3.To 4.Fry 5.Rice 6.Hand 7.Crate 8.Me 9.Chess 10.Ski 11.Now 12.Grass 13.Note 14.Just 15.Twice 16.Spa Make copies of this slide for each student
Magic – E (M-E) The end Turn and Talk: What is M-E? How do you prove M-E? How are C, O, and M-E different? The end Menu
two vowels together -vv- VP M ea t v v Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) two vowels together -vv- VP M ea t v v 3rd type of syllable out of 6 types
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) Have two vowels together First Vowel talks first! Second Vowel usually says nothing— (silent). Prove it—vv Label it—”VP”
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) Possible Vowel Pairs: ai au ay brain haul bay ea ee ei ey beat feet rein hey ia ie dial lie oa oe oi boat shoe foil oo ou oy root pout toy ue uy clue buy
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) Hair (2) Stray (3) Haul
Turn and Talk: “Vowel Pair” (VP) What is a VP? Think of 1 word with VP Share it - prove it – label it!
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) 4. 6. 5. 7.
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) (8)What is a VP syllable? (describe in your own words) _____________________________ Show two VP examples and prove each: (9)________ (10)________ Make copies of this slide for each student
C=closed O=open M-E=Magic-E CR=Controlled-R VP=Vowel Pair 1.blade 2.seat 3.turn 4.hey 5.spy 6.we 7.brass 8.snake 9.free 10.load 11.shy 12.storm 13.barn 14.stalk 15.kept 16.quote Make copies of this slide for each student
Syllable: “Vowel Pair” (VP) Turn and Talk: What is a VP? How do you prove it? How do you label it? The end Menu
Syllable Type: Controlled R (CR) (“r” controls the sound of a,e,i,o,u) CR w ar t v r
Syllable Type: Controlled R (CR) with a, e, i, o, u sw ar m f er n s t ir w or m f ur
CR = Controlled R syllables has to have a vowel before the “r” the “r” controls the sound of the vowel the vowel, therefore, may not sound like you would expect it to sound.
CR = Controlled R syllables Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) c a r t (2) f o r t (3) s t a r t
Think of some CR words with “ar”: (4) (6) (5) (7)
Think of some CR words with “er” f er n v er se f ur / th er pre / f er You try it…(8) _________________
Think of some CR words with “ir”: f ir st f ir m b ir th squ ir t You try it: (9) _________________
Think of some CR words with “or”: st or m f or m p or / tion s or / ry You try it (10) _________________
Think of some CR words with “ur”: hurt fur Blurt hur / ry You try it (11) _________________
Think of some CR words for these pictures: (14) (12) (15) (13)
Tricky Text! NEW RULE: CR RULES “M-E” and “C” store (16)___/not___ Fire (17)___/not___ Barn (18)___/not___ Smart (19)___/not___ What’s the new rule? Write it, prove it, label it! (20)_________________ (21)________________
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: “CR” SYLLABLES 22. What is a CR syllable? (describe in your own words) ___________________________________ Show two CR examples and prove each: 23._____________ 24. ______________ Copy this for students
C = closed CR = controlled-R =“be careful!” O = open ME = magic-E 1.Bar 2.Step 3.Bone 4.Try 5.Forth 6.Vote 7.Worth 8.Strap 9.Spry 10.Bi-Mart 11.Horse 12.Stop 13.Mare 14.Ski 15.Brass 16.Match 17.Squirm 18.Sorry 19.Cry 20.Burn Copy this for students
Turn and Talk: Controlled R (CR) What is CR? How do you prove it? How do you label it? The end Menu
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) Buckle station Fiddle purple
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) --Word endings-- ..le as in sta / ple staple ..tion as in sta / tion station ..tial as in par / tial partial ..cial as in cru / cial crucial
“Final Stable” (FS) possibilities: ble cle ckle dle fle gle ple tle tion cion sion cian tian cial tial
“Final Stable” (FS) possibilities: Word Endings Follows all other syllable types Divided easily
“Final Stable” (FS) possibilities: ….le endings beetle VP FS bee - tle freckle O FS fre - ckle
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) Try it! Prove it! Label it! (1) stable (2) purple (3) bugle
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) Other Final Stables: tion, cion, sion (sounds like “shun”) cian, tian cial, tial (sounds like “shul”) O FS C FS station passion CR FS martian CR FS O FS partial special
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) Try it! Prove it! Label it! (4) portion (5) crucial (6) musician (3 syllables)
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) Turn and Talk: What does a final stable syllable look like? How do you prove it? How do you label it?
Think of some FS words for these pictures: (7) (9) (8) (10)
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) 11. What is a FS syllable? (describe in your own words) ___________________________________ Show two FS examples and prove each: 12._____________ 13. ______________ Copy this for students
C = closed O = open ME = magic-E VP = Vowel Pair CR = controlled-R FS = Final Stable 1.collar 2.steeple 3.bread 4.Friday 5.survey 6.partial 7.decline 8.market 9.spokesman 10.Russian 11.strain 12.Safeway 13.tangle 14.reclaim 15.hometown 16.boost
Syllable: “Final Stable” (FS) What is CR? How do you prove it? How do you label it? The end Menu