Open Syllable ends in a vowel; the vowel is long. How many vowels? Are the vowels together or apart? vacant republic gigantic rodent crayon elastic va cant re pub lic gi gan tic ro dent cra yon e las tic
Closed Syllable ends in at least one consonant: vowel is short How many vowels? Are the vowels together or apart? submit investment columnist cosmetic independent metabolism sub mit in vest ment col um nist cos met ic in de pen dent met ab o lism
Vowel r A vowel followed by a r makes an unexpected sound fern turn fork car How many vowels? Are the vowels together or apart? whisper hamburger interpret churchyard whomever stubborn splendor inventor standard whis per ham bur ger in ter pret church yard whom ev er stub born splen dor in ven tor stand ard
vce in a multi-syllable word- the e is silent and the vowel is long How many vowels do you see? Are the vowels together or apart? Do you see a silent e? How many sounding vowels do you see? val en tine in com plete dis tri bute dem on strate rec og nize med ic ate com pete nom in ate
Vowel pairs- two vowels in the same syllable making one sound or an unexpected sound How many vowels do you see? Are the vowels together or apart? Do you see a silent e? ‘ea’ (eat) ‘oa’ (boat) ‘ai’ (train) ‘ue’ (blue) ‘ee’ (see) ‘ie (field) ‘ei’ (weird) pre vail chim pan zee stead fast o ver load ap proach con tin ue bar be cue cash ier un der neath
Final stable syllable- syllables that are in the final syllable and always say the same thing How many vowels do you see? Are the vowels together or apart? Do you see a silent e? bubble Usually with a silent e you should not have two syllables but ‘ble’ make what is called a final stable syllable. bub ble
Final Stable Syllables bletleglefle dlekleclezle tionsionage
Divide and read words Be sure to ask yourself the 3 questions. incomprehension disgruntle explanation motorcycle conclusion average illusion swindle beverage combination transfusion ruffle