By Max
What is Katakana Katakana is the phonetic written Japanese language (there are a total three written Japanese languages.) Katakana is simpler than the Chinese based characters, but other than that, why have a third language?
Reasons for existing Katakana is necessary because there are some words that cannot be translated, such as names. Other words that cannot be translated are made up words (ie: flubber,) and words that have just been invented (ie: recent scientific discoveries.)
Think of an already translated word, or an untranslatable word Does the first syllable start with… PronunciationPronunciation KeyKey
Learn katakana with the language fish Where did I get these pictures?
A E I O Does your next syllable start with… Vowels U
CHI Does your next syllable start with…
FU Does your next syllable start with…
SHI Does your next syllable start with…
TSU Does your next syllable start with…
K Does your next syllable start with… KA KE KI KO KU
M Does your next syllable start with… MA ME MI MU MO
N Does your next syllable start with… NA NE NU NI NO
R Does your next syllable start with… RA RE RI RU RO
S Does your next syllable start with… SA SE SU SO
T Does your next syllable start with… TA TE TO
Y Does your next syllable start with… YA YU YO
The three particles of Japanese speech are: –Ga, or wa –Ni –O, or wo The particles denote the part of speech: –Wa goes between the subject and the direct object –Ni goes between the direct object, and the indirect object –O goes between the indirect object and the verb
Pronunciation key All of the consonants are pronounced normally. A is pronounced ah E is pronounced ay I is pronounced ee O is pronounced oh U is pronounced oo
Where I got the pictures I got the pictures from: –The Katakana Writing Tour at itutor.htm itutor.htm –Babel fish at