Unit 6 Vocab By me and this kid.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 Vocab By me and this kid

Anomalous (adj) Abnormal, irregular, not usual

Stressed syllable A-’nom-a-lous

Synonyms Divergent Irregular Abnormal

Arbiter (n) A judge or one holding power to decide an issue.

Stressed syllable ‘ar-bit-er

synonyms Moderator Umpire Referee mediator

Aspersion (n) A damaging statement or the act of slander.

syllable As-’per-sion

synonyms Slander Insult Abuse innuendo

Bizarre (adj) Extremely strange or unusual.

synonyms Fantastic Outlandish Grotesque

Antonyms Normal Customary Typical

Brusque (adj) Abrupt or blunt.

synonyms Gruff Frank cavalier

antonyms Methodical Drawn-out

Cajole (v) To deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises or to coax.

Syllable Ca-’jole

synonyms Beguile Entice con

Castigate (v) To punish or criticize severely.

syllable ‘cast-i-gate

synonyms Reprimand Rebuke Chastise

Contrive (v) To plan with ingenuity or to invent.

synonyms Blueprint Formulate chart

sentence Thomas Edison contrived to invent the light bulb in 1880.

Demagogue (n) A leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.

Synonyms Radical Firebrand Rebel Revolutionary

Sentence Adolf Hitler was perhaps the greatest example of a demagogue of all time

Disabuse (v) To free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking

Synonyms Correct debunk liberate rectify

Sentence The math teacher disabused me during the test corrections.

Ennui (n) Weariness and discontent from lack of interest or occupation; boredom

synonyms Apathy Melancholy dissatisfaction

Antonyms Energy Enthusiasm Vigor Liveliness

Fetter (n) A chain or shackle placed on the feet.

synonyms Bind Chain cuff

Antonyms Free Loosen Let go

Heinous (adj) Very wicked or hateful.

Synonyms god-awful nefarious crying

Antonyms Good Lovely Magnificent

Immutable (adj) Not subject to change.

synonyms Constant Fixed stable

Antonyms Changeable Flexible Mutable

Insurgent (n) One who rebels or rises against authority.

Synonyms Disobedient Revolutionary Revolting

Antonyms Obedient Subordinate

Megalomania (n) A delusion marked by a feeling power.

Synonyms Arrogance Assurance Vanity

Antonyms Altruism Humility selflessness

Sinecure (n) A position requiring little or no work.

Synonyms Push over Soft touch Toast

Stressed syllable ‘Si-ne-kyur

Surreptitious (adj) Stealthy, secret, or intended to escape observation.

Synonyms Hidden Undercover Under wraps

Antonyms Open Honest Authorized

Transgress (v) To go beyond limit or boundary.

Synonyms Break Defray Violate

Sentence Vigilantes such as batman always transgress the laws.

Transmute (v) To change from one nature, substance, or form to another.

Vicarious (adj) Suffered, performed, or experienced by one person as a substitute for another; indirect; in surrogate.

Syllable Vi-’car-i-ous

Synonyms Substitutional Delegated acting

Vouchsafe (V) to be gracious enough or condescend to give or grant

synonyms Accord Award Bestow condescend

antonyms Take away Removal

Synonyms Mutate Transform Translate

Sentence In the movie Transformers, the charters transmute into different machines.

Synonyms Indirect Pretend Secondary

Sentence I took his place last night so he didn’t have go on the date with Helga.

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sentences 1.In the jungles of south America, there are many () creatures. Bizarre b. brusque c. anomalous 2. the prisoner was confined to his cell, being immobilized thanks to the (). Fetter b. sinecure c. ennui 3. The speech he gave was very () and to the point. Brusque b. surreptitious c. heinous 4. The () were sentenced to death once they were captured by the government. Insurgents b. megalomaniacs c. arbiters The acts of the terrorists on 9/11 can only be described as (). a. Heinous b. vicarious c. immutable

Syllables Choose the correct stresses syllable: Anomalous 2 b.1 c.4 d.3 2. Vicarious a.2 b. 1 c.4 d.3 3. Megalomania 5 b. 1 c. 6 d. 4

Synonyms Choose a word the closely relates to the vocab word: Demagogue disabuse Immutable

Definition Weariness and discontent from lack of interest or occupation; boredom Ennui b. aspersion c. megalomania 2. To plan with ingenuity; invent Contrive b. disabuse c. cajole 3. One having power to reside over or judge; an umpire Arbiter b. demagogue c. insurgent 4. A damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering Aspersion b. ennui c. sinecure 5. To coax; persuade through flattery or to deceive through false remarks or promises Cajole b. contrive c. vouchsafe 6. To punish severely; criticize severely a. Castigate b. transmute c. transgress

Antonyms A difficult job, requiring hard work Sinecure b. ennui c. aspersion 2. To obey, listen; follow the rules Transgress b. vouchsafe c. castigate 3. To withhold, deny, keep for oneself a. Vouchsafe b. castigate c. transgress 4. Out in the open; easily seen a. Surreptitious b. vicarious c. transgress

Answers All of the answers were the letter A.