La Silibaficación los apuntes de clase Dividing words into syllables
1. The VCV rule A single consonant (including CH, LL, RR) between vowels, forms a syllable with the vowel that follows it.
VCV Panamá muchacho pollo Pa*na*máPa*na*má mu*cha*cho po*llo
2. The VCCV rule Combinations of 2 consonants between vowels are generally divided. The 1 st consonant forms a syllable with the preceding vowel, & the 2 nd consonant with the following vowel.
VCCV lección bandera cinco deportes lec*ción ban*de*ra cin*co de*por*tes
3. The “L” and “R” rule Consonants followed by “L” or “R” (except RL, SL, TL) are NOT separated. Both consonants form ONE syllable with the following vowel.
“L” and “R” Noble no*ble Regla re*gla Libro li*bro BUT Perla per*la Isla is*lais*la Atleta at*le*ta
4. The 3 Consonant rule Combinations of 3 consonants are usually divided after the FIRST consonant combination
3 consonants Noviembre Siempre Londres No*viem*bre Siem*pre Lon*dres
5. The Prefix rule The letters of a prefix are inseparable, forming a single syllable.
Prefix Subrayar Expresar Detener Sub*ra*yar Ex*pre*sar De*te*ner
6. The Super S rule When “S” precedes another consonant, it forms a syllable with the preceding vowel.
Super S Obscuro Obstante Estoy Obs*cu*ro Obs*tan*te Es*toy
Accent or Stress El Énfasis
1. Vowel, N or S Words ending in a vowel, N or S, the (natural) stress is on the NEXT TO LAST syllable.
stress = next to last syllable camarerodeportesjoven ca*ma*re*ro de*por*tes jo*ven (plural?)
2. Consonants Words ending in consonants (except N or S), the stress is on the LAST syllable.
Stress = last syllable arrozyogurhospitalbiftec a*rroz yo*gur hos*pi*tal bif*tec
3. Accent marks If a word has a written accent, that syllable is stressed, regardless of rules 1 & 2.
Stress = accent mark café sábado dólares improvisación ca*fé sá*ba*do dó*la*res im*pro*vi*sa*ción
4. Written accents Written accent marks are used to distinguish words similar in spelling & pronunciation, BUT different in meaning.
Accent marks are important sisí elél teté
5. A or Ha When a word beginning with “A” or “HA” is stressed (natural or w/ accent), the word MUST take a masculine article when singular
Masculine singular A or Ha El agua El águila El hacha Las aguas Las águilas Las hachas
El fin for now…