L EARNING TARGETS I know the 3 types of SIPPS programs I can teach a part of each SIPPS program I can say how SIPPS matches the needs of the students who took the DDS.
All Staff: Diagnosing and identifying Reading Problems Using the Diagnostic Tool/I've Dibeled Now What? Phonemic Awareness Template Road to the Code Phonemic Awareness in young Children SIPPS Beginning ELI Strategies Phonics Templates Road to the Code SIPPS Syllaboards Phonics for Reading ELI Strategies and Reading Street Fluency Templates 6 minute solution Skill Builders ELI Strategies and Reading Street Vocabulary Making Meaning strategies Reading Street Vocab Book ELI Strategies Comp- rehension Makiing Meaning Strategies ELI Strategies and Reading Street Reading Intervention Materials Training Matrix
W HAT IS SIPPS? Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words There are 3 levels: Beginning-Short Vowel Single-Syllable Decoding 1st grade Extension- Complex Vowels Single-Syllable Decoding 2 nd grade Challenge-Polysyllabic Decoding
SIPPS AND THE DDS DDS SkillSIPPS alignment Sight wordsBeginning and Extension ConsonantsBeginning Short vowelsBeginning and Extension DigraphsIntroduced in Beginning, reviewed in Extension BlendsExtension Advanced VowelsExtension and Challenge Multi-syllabicChallenge
S COPE AND S EQUENCE See handouts. This will give you a better idea of which specific skills are covered.
A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION Check teacher guide for routine directions Assessment Placement tests Word lists Word list A is primary instruction Word lists B and C are re-teaching or more challenging words
W HEN CAN I USE SIPPS? SIPPS should only be used outside the 90 minutes. It is not a replacement core. If students are having difficulty passing Read Well in 1 st grade or Kindergarten, they should not be placed in SIPPS. These students should receive “Jell Well” lessons and review Read Well.
M ATERIALS AND COMPONENTS Flat Yellow Box Light Blue sound cards White sight word cards White word wall word cards Alphabet freeze/spelling-sound mnemonic wall cards Teacher’s guide Decoding manual Reproducable practice reading stories manual Square yellow box Sets of blue books, one for each child.
O THER THINGS YOU MAY NEED Lined paper and pencils for guided spelling/dictation Access to a white board, chart paper, doc cam, or clipboard for word lists SIPPS word wall area
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS B EGINNING L ESSON Warm up: reread the story chart from the previous day’s lesson Phoneme play: Phonemic Awareness activities Oral blending: syllables and words “put them together” Phoneme recognition: “Say / / when you hear / /” Phoneme position: “What is the firs/last/middle sound” Oral blending: onset/rime “put them together” Segmentation “say the sounds in these words” or “say the two parts” Rhyming “rhyme with _____” Manipulation/Delete sounds “say _____ drop / /”
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS B EGINNING L ESSON Phonics and decodable words Introduce new sounds via a written sentence, mnemonic wall card (put up cards as sounds are introduced), and sound card. Prompt by saying “sound” and hold continuous sounds for 2 seconds Review flashcards via “sound” prompt (20-25 cards) Blend decodable words via “sound” prompt and “read” prompt Sight words Introduce new sight words via an oral sentence Use “Read, spell, read” prompt three times for new words Review sight words using “read, spell, read” prompt once (20-25 cards)
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS B EGINNING L ESSON Story chart Read sentences word by word then re-read whole sentences. For sight words (underlined) prompt students by saying “read”. For decodable words, expect students to sound out word with the “sound” prompt then “read” prompt. Guided spelling and secmentation Dictation of sounds Dictation of first/middle/last sounds Dictation of sight words Dictation of decodable words Dictation of sentence
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS B EGINNING L ESSON Students practice little blue book for the lesson 3 times Students practice the little blue book from the current and past 2 or 3 lessons Send home practice story sheet for reading at home OR use for additional practice or partner reading.
SIPPS E XTENSION L EVEL C OMPONENTS Prerequisite Lessons Use the Prerequisite Lessons (P1, P2…) for students who have not mastered the short vowels or consonant digraphs 10 lessons in the back of the teacher guide
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS E XTENSION L ESSON Phoneme Play Through activities that don’t involve print, high level phonological routines involve segmentation and phoneme manipulation Set A is for the lesson, Set B is for re-teaching Phonics and decoable words Explicit and systematic instruction of spelling/sound relationships followed by the reading of mixed list There are 2 mixed list: Set A is for the lesson, Set B is for re-teaching
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS E XTENSION L ESSON Sight word Each word is introduced in a sentence Students say the word and spell the word Previously introduced words are reviewed Reading a story Teacher gives the setting Students chorally read the story sentence by sentence with a pause between each students to allow student to look ahead at the next sentence to decode difficult words. Guided spelling Students spell decodable words This is not a test Teacher gives support when needed to guarantee success
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS E XTENSION L ESSON Practice reading Following lessons 1-18 students read orally to build fluency. Students read current story 2 times and re-read previous story. The teacher circulates to monitor reading and note difficulties. After lesson 18, students can read any selection at their independent level or continue reviewing the stories in the story book. Spelling memory list Spelling list are in appendix (pg 228). Words are keyed to phonics and sight words taught in the program
C OMPONENTS TO A SIPPS E XTENSION L ESSON Assessment and placement Test of basic phonics Administered individually (8-10 minutes) Mastery test Given at intervals (every 2-5 lessons) Clearly marked in manual Administered individually (2 minutes)
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Single Syllable phonics Used when students have not mastered all of the phonics elements or have mastered them so recently they need review. Includes review of phonics elements and application to mixed list Phonics New cards Review cards Mixed list written on board (or doc cam)
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Transformations Syllabic Fast paced exercise where students read open and closed syllables using “is the vowel at the end or not at the end” morphemic (after lesson 20) Replaces syllabic transformations Teacher starts with base word and adds prefixes, suffixes, and inflectional endings. Fast paced Students chorally read as teachers make changes Lesson sticky note Board space or transparency Pens and eraser
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Sight syllables New cards Review cards Students learn to recognize by sight 90 common syllables. Both regular and irregular syllables are taught 3 word lists A: 2 nd grade or Year 1 of SIPPS Challenge B: 3 rd grade or Year 2 of SIPPS Challenge C: 4 th or 5 th grade or Year 3 of SIPPS Challenge
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Reading by Syllables Practice reading polysyllabic words. Teacher writes words on the board syllable by syllable. Students chorally read 3 word lists A, B, and C Lesson sticky note Board space or doc cam Pens and eraser
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Reading entire words Routine develops flexibility in applying reading skills Students learn 2 generalizations: 1. 2 consonants between vowel: divide between the consonants 2. 1 consonant between vowels: divide first before the consonant or divide after the consonant Students not asked to memorized decoding method, but are guided through this procedure with many words 3 word lists: A, B, C Words written on board or doc cam Pen (different color) to mark syllable breaks
SIPPS C HALLENGE COMPONENTS Guided spelling Students write 5 words each day. Improves spelling and reinforces knowledge of syllabication 3 lists: A, B, C Paper and pencils on student desks Board or doc cam to correct spelling Lesson sticky note Irregular spelling poster hung were visible to students Lesson Sticky Notes Write the lesson # at the top and use it again next year This is where you keep the words you’ll be using for the lesson Use it for 3 components: transformations, reading by syllables and guided spelling
E XIT S LIP Please reflect on the learning targets for today as you fill out the exit slip: I know the 3 types of SIPPS programs I can teach a part of each SIPPS program I can say how SIPPS matches the needs of the students who took the DDS.