5.3 – Learning to read and spell words ending with the vowel y Y says long e when it is at the end of a multisyllabic word “y” baby “e”
What we know Y says long i when it is the first syllable Ty rant Hy drant Try Cry Sty Cy cle
What we know Y says long e when it is at the end of a multi- syllable word hap py sun ny fur ry jel ly ang ry
Learn this…. Many multisyllabic words ending in y have two consonants. If the first syllable has a short sound, then you usually double the consonant pup py fun ny bel ly bug gy The second consonant goes with the 2 nd syllable
Practice jellypuppyfunnybellybuggy ladyjollydizzyplentyhappy fiftysillyhandyrubybaby pennydaddyemptygrannynasty trollysunnyskinnycozyduty angrycrazycandyponynavy pantrylobbytidyhollyivy taffypunypansygravy
More Practice lazytinybunnyTammyBilly TimmyJimmyWendyTonyCathy TobyAmySallyMollySandy HenryEddysissybelfrygiddy cronyfollycannyenvymusty shinnyshantyzanydandyfilly niftysultrycrannysentrycranky rallyentrydaffypettycaddy holy