Where are the gaps The foundation that creates access to the wonderful world of stories, reading and comprehension Phonics
What did we have before fresh start?
We had an adequate programme, which was a little antiquated. We followed the National Literacy Progress Unit. Spelling Programme. This consisted of eighteen lesson plans which was developed in house to suit our classes. I put together power point displays making the programme a little more interesting. I used Rising Star plays for Reading practice and comprehension. Question and answer sheets were developed for these plays to assess comprehension. A lesson consisted of 25 minutes spelling practice and 25 minutes reading practice.
GL assessment Diagnostic Test of Word Reading Processes This test focuses on the cognitive processes that underlie the recognition and understanding of the written word. Assessing pupil performance on three types of words. Regular words: meet, shampoo, catapult, which conform to the grapheme-phoneme rules of language. Exception words: yacht, meringue which do not conform to these rules. Non-words: meckton, shelibowt, brafe, which are pronounceable sequence of letters but are nonsense words.
Lexical-semantic processes depend on accessing previously stored knowledge about a word Inferring the words meaning – correct pronunciation – linking letter sequence to the words meaning and pronunciation
Phonological processes Printed letters and letter groups (graphemes) and speech sounds (phonemes) Stored knowledge of grapheme- phoneme correspondence (GPC) rule. This is uniquely tapped by non-word reading because non-words do not exist as words in our language.
Fresh Start Testing Using the Fresh Start entry test – we identify our student This test consists of 6 written passages selected from the modules used in the programme. Students are tested on sound blending and comprehension The passages read predict which module the student will begin with. E.g. if a student can read passage 3 confidently but not passage 4 this student will start on Modules 15. The student will work on module 15 – 33 inclusive
Regular Assessment The Fresh Start Assessment This can be done half termly or termly to track and record student progress. This test covers oral sounds, blending abilities, reading at speed, use of syllables and sight reading. A copy of an on-going assessment can be seen on the next slide.
Student: A M Assessment total Score Score & Date 20/12/12 Score & Date 28/02/13 Score & Date A: Speed Sounds Cards Set 1 Known at speed B: oral sound-blend C: Sound blending for reading VC/CVC109 CVC109 CCVC AND CVCC10 D: Red words108 E: Speed Sounds Cards Set 2 Known12811 at speed12811 F: sound blending for reading real words1269 nonsense words1278 G: Two syllable words108 H: Red words I: Speed Sounds Cards Set 3 known1777 at speed1777 J: Sound blending for reading real words nonsense words1025 K: Multi-syllable words1234 L: Red Words Total
THE MODULES INTRODUCTORY MODULE this is used for students with a N/C level for reading 1c – 1b The average level of students in our pilot group are working at 2b with a predicted improvement to 3c by the end of Y7
THE MODULES 1 to 33 these are used for students with a N/C level for reading 1b – 4b 1b to 1a modules a to 2b modules 4 – 13 2b to 3b modules 14 – 20 3b to 4c/b modules 21 – 33
What does a module consist of There are nine reading activities 1.Practice reading the Speed Sounds. 2.Read the green, red and challenge words for the story. 3.Listen to the introduction 4.Discuss the vocabulary check. 5.Read story. 6.Discuss the ‘questions to talk about’. 7.Read story with fluency and expression. 8.Answer the questions to read and answer. 9.Practice reading the speed words. There are nine writing activities 1.Play sound-graphemes rhythms. 2.Play sound-grapheme fingers. 3.Carry out a spelling check. 4.Take a spelling check. 5.Hold a sentence. 6.Build a sentence. 7.Edit for Spelling/punctuation/ grammar. 8.Write a composition with the support of a picture strip (module 1 – 13 only) 9.Write a guided composition with the support of a writing frame (module 15 – 33 only)
First Year Evaluation Student 4 boys 2 girls Reading level Autumn Reading level Summer Spelling level Autumn Spelling level Summer English level Autumn English level Summer A a3b B a3c C c2a D b3c E b3c F b3c
The future Fresh Start was piloted in September 2012 and already the evidence through assessment has shown a marked improvement of the students reading and spelling ability.
Our investment Paignton Academy has invested in the Fresh Start Programme, which has continued this year. All Learning Support staff and English faculty took part in a two day training course. We have 10 Fresh Start classes which follow a 4 lesson a week timetable. We also have single withdrawal lessons, to accommodate students with low level spelling; providing techniques to improve in this area.
A team of 3 members of staff have been assigned to run classes of up to 8 students. This year we have tested all KS3 students with a reading age of 10 years and below and have provided classes for: 48 Year 7 students 19 girls - 29 boys 18 Year 8 students 7 girls – 11 boys 9 Year 9 students 3 girls – 6 boys ********* 53 Year 7 and 38 Year 8 students attend spelling groups one lesson a week.
Our investment This provision will continue into the next academic year and beyond. For as long as we have students who require our support.