Question Paper Design for the year-2014 Weightage to difficulty level Percentage(%)Marks Easy 3024 Average 5040 Difficult 2016 TOTAL Weightage to difficulty level: Summative Assessment 100 Marks 3 hours Time
Weightage to Content and Skills (section “A”) Weightage to Content and Skills (section “B”)
Weightage to Content and Skills (section “A”) Percentage(%)Marks Prose3024 Poetry2016 Supplementary reading0504 Vocabulary0504 TOTAL6048 Weightage to Content and Skills (section “B”) Percentage(%)Marks Reading1008 Writing1008 Language use(Grammar) 1512 Reference0504 TOTAL4032
Weightage to Objectives Percentage(%)Marks Remembering1512 Comprehension4032 Expression4032 Appreciation0504 TOTAL10080 Weightage to Objectives:
Weightage to Types of Questions Percentage(%)Marks Multiple choice1008 Very short answer2016 Short answer5040 Long answer2016 TOTAL10080 Weightage to Types of Questions:
NOTE: Internal Assessment a.Listening/Activities :10 b.Speaking/Activities :10 ____ Total :20
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ( )=200 NOTE:200 marks should be reduced into 20 marks.
MONTHSUNITSACTIVITES & EVALUATION METHODS MARKS/ ASSESSMENT TOTAL MARKS JUNE AND JULY 1 & 2 Prose : Vocabulary and all the Skills ( including) Reference Skills and project work Activities are suggested on page no 201 of the present text book(Annexer-2) Oral: =30 Written:20 50 Poetry : Understanding Reading Appreciating Teachers have freedom to select any 3 or 4 activities from the list. Supplementary reading 1NOTE: No particular activity should get repeated All the skills should be covered over the academic year. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:1
MONTHSUNITSACTIVITES & EVALUATION METHODS MARKS/ ASSESSMENT TOTAL MARKS AUGUST AND SEPTMBER 3 & 4 Prose : Vocabulary and all the Skills ( including) Reference Skills and project work Activities are suggested on page no 201 of the present text book(Annexer-2) Oral: =30 Written:20 50 Poetry : Understanding Reading Appreciating Teachers have freedom to select any 3 or 4 activities from the list. Supplementary reading 2NOTE: No particular activity should get repeated All the skills should be covered over the academic year. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:2
MONTHSUNITSACTIVITES & EVALUATION METHODS MARKS/ ASSESSMENT TOTAL MARKS NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 5 & 6 Prose : Vocabulary and all the Skills ( including) Reference Skills and project work Activities are suggested on page no 201 of the present text book(Annexer-2) Oral: =30 Written:20 50 Poetry : Understanding Reading Appreciating Teachers have freedom to select any 3 or 4 activities from the list. Supplementary reading 3NOTE: No particular activity should get repeated All the skills should be covered over the academic year. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:3
MONTHSUNITSACTIVITES & EVALUATION METHODS MARKS/ ASSESSMENT TOTAL MARKS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 7 & 8 Prose : Vocabulary and all the Skills ( including) Reference Skills and project work Activities are suggested on page no 201 of the present text book(Annexer-2) Oral: =30 Written:20 50 Poetry : Understanding Reading Appreciating Teachers have freedom to select any 3 or 4 activities from the list. Supplementary reading 4NOTE: No particular activity should get repeated All the skills should be covered over the academic year. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:4
A list of activates that can be integrated into the process of self learning has been given. Teachers are requested to plan judiciously in selecting and incorporating them at different stages of learning LIST OF ACTIVITIES/MATERIALS (Suggested-not exhaustive)
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 1 Introductory Activity Visuals Poems Quotes Incidents News clippings Dialogues Stories Statistical extracts Web diagram Jokes Excerpts 2 Vocabulary Matching Classifying Substituting Identifying Describing Homophones Collocation Synonyms Antonyms Spelling Pronunciation
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 3 Reading Flowchart Tree diagram Media transfer Tables Maps Sector graphs Completing tables Summarising Note Making Skimming Scanning Identifying main and subordinates ideas Sequencing Categorising Classifying Doing cross word puzzles Anticipating/inferring/evaluating/discussing
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 4 listeningPhonic dimension Identifying the sounds Minimal pairs Syllables Accent Intonation Pause Elision Falling and raising tone Silent letters & short forms Repeating Meaning Dimension Comprehending Identifying the theme Repeating Guessing the intension of the speaker Responding Summarising
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 5 SpeakingPhonic Dimension Discourse Pronunciation of sounds Describing Vowels Narrating Diphthongs Expressing Consonants Language functions Syllables Debating Words Presenting Accent on the right syllable Views orally and speaking Pitch Discussing Pause Playing roles Intonation Interpreting visuals Elision conversing Past tense Classifying Realization Announcing Plural Realization Ellipsis
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 6 WritingDrafting: Letters messages Memo notices Brochure Essay Review slogans Placards questionnaire Expanding Editing Punctuating Trans-coding Note-making summarising Writing dialogues Organizing data Writing reports
SERIAL NUMBERSTAGES OF LEARNING Suggested Activities/Tasks/Exercises /Materials/Area-to work on 7Language exercises Editing Error detection Structural classification Identifying parts of speech Transformation Comparison Reported speech Intensifiers Articles Time and tense concepts Prepositions Finite and non finite verbs Inversion Phrases Adverbials Clauses Analysis and synthesis 8Study Skills Dictionaries Thesaurus Encyclopaedia Bibliography Index Newspapers
DR.M RAVINDRAREDDY SVPHS(SARJAPUR) If any suggestions please mail me at: Contact me at : Phone no: