Observation Assessing Teacher Practice using the Framework for Teaching
Learning Targets I can collect evidence free of bias, based on facts, and aligned with the Framework for Teaching. I can make professional judgments about teacher practice using the Framework for Teaching. I can explain the three step systematic observation process and my role. I can explain the differences between traditional and learning focused supervision.
Bias & Personal Preference “COULD HAVE” “SHOULD HAVE” “WOULD HAVE”
BIAS: a strong opinion or feeling toward a group or behavior PERSONAL PREFERENCE: strong leanings toward some behavior or thing that suits or “works for” the individual observer
BIAS Example: Your opinion of a person with a certain accent may vary based on your previous experience. If you have previously only encountered a few smart people with this accent, you may assume when meeting someone new with that same accent that this person is also likely to be smart.
PERSONAL PREFERENCE Example Your preference for classroom structure is one of quiet students working independently. You believe that this format avoids the opportunity for some students to "coast" on the efforts of others, and it also prevents any special needs of students from being masked by the work of others in a group setting. You believe your preferred classroom structure also serves to keep student conversations on-task.
Considering Bias & Personal Preference AppearanceQuiet Classroom Effort/Work EthicHygiene GenderAge PersonalityClassroom Appearance Organization of InstructionRace/Ethnicity
Discuss your prioritized list with your elbow partner and share your rationale to the extent that you are comfortable. Share one item from your lists with the whole table.
EVIDENCE “Facts” ”Artifacts” “Observations”
Types of Observation Evidence FACTS: Statements by Teacher or Students - “Could one person from each table collect materials?” Actions by Teacher or Students - The teacher stood by the door, greeting students as they entered. Three of the eighteen students offered nearly all of the comments during discussion. ARTIFACTS: Resources Primary documents used by students during the lesson Features of the Classroom Student work is posted in the room or hallways
Evidence or Opinion?
The Framework for Teaching Domain 3: Instruction Communicating With Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space
Using the handout titled “Evidence or Opinion”, complete the following steps. Try to complete the task independently, but feel free to consult with an elbow partner if needed. 1. Read each statement and circle whether you believe it to be an example of Evidence or Opinion. 2. Reference Domains 2 and 3 of the Framework for Teaching and determine with which domain and component each statement best fits. 3. For statements that you believe to be opinions, rewrite each one so that it would be an example of actual evidence. 4. Be prepared to share with the large group.
1. The students in Mr. T’s biology class don’t seem to like him. Opinion 2A – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Rewrite: ____________________________
2. Mr. J said, “Boys shouldn’t take family and consumer science.” Evidence 2B – Establishing a Culture for Learning
3. The teacher took too long to take attendance. Opinion 2C – Managing Classroom Procedures Rewrite: _____________________________
4. The teacher asked five yes/no questions in rapid succession. Opinion (with some factual information) 3B – Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Rewrite: _____________________________
5. The last activity, discussion of the key scene, was rushed. Opinion 3C – Engaging Students in Learning (Structure and Pacing) Rewrite: _____________________________
Observe and Record Notes from the observation Time Actions & Statements/questions by Teacher & Students Component 8:05 T greets SS at the door T “Brandon, how did you do on your driver’s test?” Ss not sure what to do when materials handed out Ss asks “What are we supposed to be doing?” T ignores question T refers to students by name T “Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory?” … “Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9 th grade expertise on pens?” “No, so you’re qualified to do this?” No smile.
Remain, Reflect, Record Observer should stay in seat for 5 minutes following the lesson Reflect on the lesson Record any evidence you didn’t have time to capture Record any questions you have
Observe and Record Notes from the observation Time Actions & Statements/questions by Teacher & Students Component 8:05 T greets SS at the door T makes SS feel like she cares about them personally T “Brandon, how did you do on your driver’s test?” Ss not sure what to do when materials handed out Ss ask people around them “What are we doing? What is this for?” Ss asks “What are we supposed to be doing?” T ignores question T refers to students by name T “Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory?” … “Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9 th grade expertise on pens?” “No, so you’re qualified to do this?” No smile. 2a 2c 3a 2a
Teaching is a performance. Performances are measured using rubrics. Record & Interpret Domain 2: The Classroom Environment 2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport ElementIneffectiveDevelopingAccomplishedDistinguished Teacher interactions with students Student interactions with other students Patterns of classroom interactions, both between the teacher and students and among students, are mostly negative, inappropriate, or insensitive to students' ages, cultural backgrounds, and developmental levels. Interactions are characterized by sarcasm, put-downs, or conflict. Teacher does not deal with disrespectful behavior. Patterns of classroom interactions, both between the teacher and students and among students, are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, and disregard for students' ages, cultures, and developmental levels. Students rarely demonstrate disrespect for one another. Teacher attempts to respond to disrespectful behavior, with uneven results. The net result of the interactions is neutral, conveying neither warmth nor conflict. Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the ages of the students. Students exhibit respect for the teacher. Interactions among students are generally polite and respectful. Teacher responds successfully to disrespectful behavior among students. The net result of the interactions is polite and respectful, but impersonal. Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth and caring and sensitivity to students as individuals. Students exhibit respect for the teacher and contribute to high levels of civil interaction between all members of the class. The net result of interactions is that of connections with students as individuals. Evidence: T greets Ss at door. “Brandon, how did you do on your driver’s test?” T “Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory?” … “Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9 th grade expertise on pens?” “No, so you’re qualified to do this?” No smile. T “Thank you, group, you may have a seat.” T “So…there’s this guy, Eli Whitney…” S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, “obviously include the word” and T rolls eyes. T says “When I was in the 7 th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses.” T gives directions, “When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do?” “STOP,” T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T “Very nice, thank you.” T “Nice job. I think you are starting to get it.” T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. “Thank you, you guys are great…have a good day.“ Comments rattled off quickly with no expression.
Administrator’s Role Peer Observer’s Role Arrange pre-observation conference Hold pre-observation conference Conduct observation Complete observation form and send copy to teacher with post-conference date/time Hold post-observation conference and complete appropriate forms Meet with teacher to provide formative feedback Conduct observation Arrange observation time with peer being observed Hold pre-observation conference Complete observation form and send copy to teacher with post-conference date/time
Promoting Professional Learning
Traditional Learning Focused
Traditional Observation Process Administrator initiates formal observation. Pre-observation conference held Administrator takes the lead Formal observation conducted Administrator collects evidence Post-observation evaluation completed by Administrator Post-observation conference held Administrator takes the lead
“Learning is done by the learner” Charlotte Danielson The person who does the analyzing and judging about the lesson is the person who is learning. What do teachers DO in the evaluation process that causes them to learn? Nature of Learning
Learning Focused Observation Process Administrator initiates formal observation Teacher completes planning form Pre-observation conference held Teacher takes the lead Formal observation conducted Administrator collects evidence Post-observation form (rubric) completed by Administrator and Teacher separately Post-observation conference held Teacher takes the lead
“Of all the approaches available to educators to promote teacher learning, the most powerful is that of professional conversation.” Talk About Teaching! Charlotte Danielson 2009, Corwin Press
Learning Targets I can collect evidence free of bias, based on facts, and aligned with the Framework for Teaching. I can make professional judgments about teacher practice using the Framework for Teaching. I can explain the three step systematic observation process and my role. I can explain the differences between traditional and learning focused supervision.