Staging Absolutism Some historians have studied the manner in which Louis IV exercised his power: Like other absolute monarchs, he sought to curb the power and influence of his nobles; Versailles played an important role. Louis’ court was the epicenter of all seeming power, influence, “cool and chic.” But residents, visitors and Louis himself were subject to an elaborate code of behavior and daily ritual. Indeed, Versailles was like a stage set and all present served as the actors following an elaborate script. Louis, the ultimate patron of the arts, provided entertainment of all sorts, and nothing was more successful than comedies and satires mocking human foibles and pretensions. Choose either option 1 or 2 and be prepared to entertain your classmates à la Versailles! Optional Extra-Credit Opportunity In-Class Activity: Thursday, May 28* *For planning purposes, you must sign up by Friday, May 22
Staging Absolutism à la Versailles Both options require an expressive performance 1.All Students: With your partner, recreate the scene from Moliere’s Would be Gentleman. (Slide 3) You will be graded on (a) Your individual, written paragraph answer to Question #3 and (b) your skill in making us all understand what Moliere was mocking. 2.French Students Only: You and your partner are to divide in two equal parts La Fontaine’s fable: Le corbeau et le renard. (For materials needed, follow links on Slide 4) You will be graded on (a) memorization and performance of the fable in French. (b) an explanation in English of what it is saying and what human foible is being mocked. Why would that foible be particularly funny at Versailles.
Le corbeau et le renard de la Fontaine Amusez-vous!