Web-based Spoken English Training System with American Accent 線上美式英文口音訓練系統 指導教授:陳恆佑老師 學生:王舜霈 Date: June 25th, 2008 國立暨南國際大學 資訊工程學系碩士班畢業成果展 1
Motivation Training spoken English for nonnative. Learning native’s pronouncing system: focus on American Accent. Correcting Tool Word: Correcting on Pronunciation. Sentence: Annotating on Intonation. Liaison (word connection) Pronunciation (vowels and consonants) Intonation (modulation in tone) 2
System Architecture 3 3
Speech-Text Alignment 4
DP Alignment and Timestamp Prediction 5
Autocorrelation Function for Stressed word 6
Correcting Tool 7
Conclusion and Future Work Speech Analysis for student’s recording Speech-text alignment Pitch tracking and Stress word decision Correcting Tool for teacher’s comment Pronunciation, Liaison, Intonation Recording function and annotation. Accuracy of the alignment module For Intonation information Automatic correcting mechanism Improves the correcting tool Friendly teaching atmosphere with VoIP 8