New Horizon College English Book Four Unit Eight
Text A Losing an Accent to Achieve Success 下一页 上一页
Pre-reading Activities Expressions & Patterns 上一页 下一页
I. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say Watch & Discuss Watch the video and discuss the given topics.. Compound Dictation Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks Back 上一页 下一页
Compound Dictation Directions: You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and supply the missing words. I. Pre-reading Activities: Back 下一页 上一页
If you want to know what Americans do when they are not working, well, the _____ adult spends almost two hours a day on ______ activities like______, cleaning and paying_____. How do we know? The Department of Labor has just ______a study of how Americans use their time. The study ________something that many people already knew. Women spend more time on _______ and house-work than men do, even when the women are_______. Men, however, spend more time at work. Men also spend more time on ______ activities and ____. household released confirmed child care leisure bills employed average sports cooking
it could cost him his career. Paraphrase: he would probably lose his job and ruin his career. cost: to cause the loss of 使失去 More example That one mistake almost cost him his life. 那个错误几乎让他失去了生命。 下一页 上一页 Back
Despite mixed feelings, he hired a speech coach to help him out. Paraphrase: Though he felt uncertain about what to do, he hired a speech coach to help him get rid of his accent. help out: help sb esp in a difficult situation or a crisis 帮助某人(尤指摆脱困境或危难) More example He's always willing to help (us) out when we're short of staff. 我们职员人手不足时, 他总是急人之难. 下一页 上一页 Back
Young, first-generation foreign professionals in America hoping to improve their careers appear to make up the majority of those paying to get rid of their accents. Paraphrase: Among those people who paid to get rid of their accents, most were young, first-generation foreign professionals in America who hoped to have better prospects in their careers. 下一页 上一页 >>>more Back
make up: 1. constitute; form: 构成;组成 2. invent a story 杜撰 phrase more examples One hundred years make up a century. 一百年构成一个世纪。 He made up some excuse about his daughter’s being sick. 他编造借口,说他女儿生病了。 下一页 上一页 >>>more Back
make out: write out 写;填写 manage to see sb./sth 辨认出 make up for : do sth. that corrects a bad situation 弥补 make it: succeed 成功 more phrase of make 下一页 上一页 Back
Edwin said he was embarrassed and tried to ignore incidents throughout his career when colleagues would point out his accent and do imitations of his pronunciations for fun. Paraphrase: Edwin said his colleagues often pointed out his accent and imitated his pronunciation just for fun. And he felt ashamed and tried to pay little attention to these unpleasant things. 下一页 上一页 Back
Edwin's experiences early in his career made him very sensitive to the problems be sensitive to: be easily affected 敏感的 more example A writer mustn't be too sensitive to criticism. 作家不可对批评意见反应过激. 下一页 上一页 Back >>>more
none of that seemed to matter to them because they didn't have patience. Paraphrase: But neither my passion for work nor my ability seemed important to them because they weren't patient enough to listen to me, one who spoke English with an accent. 下一页 上一页 Back >>>more
matter : ~ (to sb) (used esp in negative sentences and questions; in sentences containing what, who, where, if, etc, usu with it as the subject) be important 关系重大 ; 要紧 : more examples What does it matter (whether he comes or goes)? (他来也好去也好, )那有什么关系 ? Some things matter more than others. 有些事情更重要. Does it matter if we're a bit late? 我们晚到一会儿有关系吗 ? It doesn't matter to me what you do. 你做什麽我都无所谓. 下一页 上一页 Back
Seeing himself allowed him to have a visual image to go along with the sounds he was making. Paraphrase: Seeing himself in the mirror enabled him to see how the mouth, lips, and the tongue moved while pronouncing the sounds. 下一页 上一页 Back
His boss, Layton, called it a "win-win" situation, and is so enthusiastic that he is sponsoring a second employee in the program. a “win-win” situation : both Edwin and his company benefited from this situation 双赢的局面 explanation 下一页 上一页 Back