Colors and their schemes This string of text uses the Accent 4 color This text and this rectangle both use custom colors
A Color-Scheme Experiment This bullet has been colored using color No. 8 in the color scheme, called Accent 4. This bullet uses the same color, but it is not assigned to color No. 7 in the scheme; it has been set manually.
A Color-Scheme Experiment This slide uses a different color scheme, but we have not reassigned the color of this bullet text. It still uses color No. 8. But now color No. 8 has a new definition. This bullet is still using the manual color that was assigned to it; it doesn’t care if there are contrast and readability issues. Use manual colors at your own risk…
A Color-Scheme Experiment Try this for yourself by pressing Esc to edit this slide. Select one of these two bullets and assign a color other than one of the ten in the color scheme. Then change to a different color scheme and note that the bullet with the manually- chosen color does not change.