1 OR II GSLM 52800
2 Outline classical optimization – unconstrained optimization dimensions of optimization feasible direction
3 Classical Optimization Results Unconstrained Optimization different dimensions of optimization conditions nature of conditions necessary conditions ( 必要條件 ): satisfied by any minimum (and possibly by some non-minimum points) sufficient conditions ( 充分條件 ): if satisfied by a point, implying that the point is a minimum (though some minima may not satisfy the conditions) order of conditions first-order conditions: in terms of the first derivatives of f & g j second-order conditions: in terms of the second derivatives of f & g j general assumptions: f, g, g j C 1 (i.e., once continuously differentiable) or C 2 (i.e., twice continuously differentiable) as required by the conditions
4 Feasible Direction S n : the feasible region x S: a feasible point a feasible direction d of x: if there exists > 0 such that x+ d S for 0 < <
5 Two Key Concepts for Classical Results f: the direction of steepest accent gradient of f at x 0 being orthogonal to the tangent of the contour f(x) = c at x 0
6 The Direction of Steepest Accent f contours of f(x 1, x 2 ) = f f: direction of steepest accent f in some sense, increment of unit move depending on the angle with f within 90 of f: increasing closer to 0 : increasing more beyond 90 of f: decreasing closer to 180 : decreasing more above results generally true for any f x2x2 x1x1
f(x 1, x 2 ) = f(x 10, x 20 ) = c d on the tangent plane at x 0 f(x 0 + d) c for small roughly speaking, for f(x 0 ) = c, f(x 0 + d) = c for small when d is on the tangent plane at x 0 7 Gradient of f at x 0 Being Orthogonal to the Tangent of the Contour f(x) = c at x 0
8 First-Order Necessary Condition (FONC) f C 1 on S and x * a local minimum of f then for any feasible direction d at x *, T f(x * )d 0 increasing of f at any feasible direction f(x) = x 2 for 2 x 5 f(x, y) = x 2 + y 2 for 0 x, y 2 f(x, y) = x 2 + y 2 for x 3, y 3
9 FONC for Unconstrained NLP f C 1 on S & x * an interior local minimum (i.e., without touching any boundary) T f(x * ) = 0
10 FONC Not Sufficient Example 3.2.2: f(x, y) = -(x 2 + y 2 ) for 0 x, y T f((0, 0))d = 0 for all feasible direction d (0, 0): a maximum point Example 3.2.3: f(x) = x 3 f(0) = 0 x = 0 a stationary point
11 Feasible Region with Non-negativity Constraints Example (Example 10.8 of JB) Find candidates of the minimum points by the FONC. min f(x) = subject to x 1 0, x 2 0, x 2 0 or, equivalently
12 Second-Order Conditions another form of Taylor’s Theorem f(x) = f(x * )+ T f(x * )(x-x * ) +0.5(x- x * ) T H(x * )(x - x * )+ , where being small, dominated by other terms if T f(x * )(x-x * ) = 0, f(x) f(x * ) (x- x * ) T H(x * )(x - x * ) 0
13 Second-Order Necessary Condition f C 2 on S if x * is a local minimum of f, then for any feasible direction d n at x *, (i). T f(x * )d 0, and (ii). if T f(x * )d = 0, then d T H(x * )d 0
14 Example 3.3.1(a) SONC satisfied f(x) = x 2 for 2 x 5 f(x, y) = x 2 + y 2 for 0 x, y 2 f(x, y) = x 2 + y 2 for x 3, y 3
15 Example 3.3.1(b) SONC: more discriminative than FONC f(x, y) = -(x 2 + y 2 ) for 0 x, y in Example (0, 0), a maximum point, failing the SONC
16 SONC for Unconstrained NLP f C 2 in S x * an interior local minimum of f, then (i). T f(x * ) = 0, and (ii). for all d, d T H(x * )d 0 (ii). for all d, d T H(x * )d 0 H(x * ) being positive semi-definite (ii) H(x * ) being positive semi-definite convex f satisfying (ii) (and actually more)
17 Example identity candidates of minimum points for the f(x) = T f(x * ) = x = (1, -1) or (-1, -1) H(x) = (1, -1) satisfying SONC but not (-1, -1)
18 SONC Not Sufficient f(x, y) = -(x 4 + y 4 ) T f((0, 0))d = 0 for all d (0, 0) a maximum
19 SOSC for Unconstrained NLP f C 2 on S n and x * an interior point if (i). T f(x * ) = 0, and (ii). H(x * ) is positive definite x * a strict local minimum of f
20 SOSC Not Necessary Example x = 0 a minimum of f(x) = x 4 SOSC not satisfied
21 Example In Example 3.2.4, is (1, 1, 1) a minimum? .. 6 > 0; positive definite, i.e., SOSC satisfied
22 Effect of Convexity If for all y in the neighborhood of x * S, T f(x * )(y-x * ) 0 convexity of f implies f(y) f(x * ) + T f(x * )(y-x * ) f(x * ) x * a local min of f in the neighborhood of x * x * a global minimum of f
23 Effect of Convexity f C 2 convex H positive semi-definite everywhere Taylor's Theorem, when T f(x * )(x-x * ) = 0, f(x) = f(x * ) + T f(x * )(x-x * ) + (x- x * ) T H( x * + (1- )x)(x - x * ) = f(x * ) + (x- x * ) T H( x * + (1- )x)(x - x * ) f(x * ) x * a local min a global min
24 Effect of Convexity facts of convex functions (i). a local min = a global min (ii). H(x) positive semi-definite everywhere (iii). strictly convex function, H(x) positive definite everywhere implications for f C 2 convex function, the FONC T f(x * ) = 0 is sufficient for x * to be a global minimum if f strictly convex, x * the unique global min