Gallery Vazrazdane Our new web site is
Invites You to visit From 22 January, to 05 February, 2008 the exhibition drawings and graphics of
Julian Jordanov
Julian Jordanov was born in 1965 in Lovech, Bulgaria. In 1995 graduated graphics in the National Art Academy – Sofia. Master of exlibris he has above 17 individual exhibitions and more than 12 international prizes for his graphics. Fragrance
Totem І
To invest with shape the quintessence of the human personality, to focus the idea of life in a graphic frame, to give a new meaning to the morality, profession and vice even and in a purely visual way, to find the most precise accent around which to create that single plot – this is where Julian is at his best. Totem ІІ
Memory ІІ Memory І
Welcome to our new web site Welcome to our new web site
We expect You in the exhibition hall of Vazrazdane gallery Old town of Plovdiv 1 Stoyan Chalakov str / mobile: