Physical Geography of Latin America
Andes Mountains by avni_ Patagonia, Argentina Mount Imbabura (Ecuador) Marc Figueras Snowquindio, Columbia
Llanos © Victor Englebert Venezuela llanos Eastern Columbia llanos
Cerrado and Pampas Gaucho (Argentina pampas) (2:03 min) Brazil cerrado The Cerrado is the world’s most biologically rich savanna. It has over 10,000 species of plants, of which 45% are exclusive to the Cerrado, and it stretches across nearly 500 million acres of Brazil - an area nearly three times the size of Texas. The Cerrado also feeds three of the major water basins in South America: the Amazon, Paraguay and São Francisco Rivers. Napping Jaguar, Brazilian cerrado ‘CLICK’ on picture Nazca, Peruvian pampas
Rivers Copyright: Aquilino Cesar Amazon River Guaira Falls." Online Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Oct The former Guaíra Falls on the Upper Paraná River ‘CLICK’ Orinoco River (3:16 min)
Caribbean Islands ‘CLICK’ Steel Drums (1:59 min) Nassau: Bahamas." Online Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Oct Nassau
Elevation and Vegetation
Amazon River, Brazil Rio Los Amigos as they snake through a rain forest in the Peruvian Amazon River basin. Photograph by Maria Stenzel Brazil cerrado Photograph by Medford Taylor Tropical
Dry and Semi-Arid The caatinga, Brazil Called the “end of the Earth,” Ushuaia, Patagonia is the southern most city in the world. Reminder, retrieve “Atacama” movie (3:42 min)
Above and Below Photos courtesy of student Barbara Bramblia Mid-Latitude Rio de Janeiro Photograph by Will & Deni McIntyre/Stone/Getty Images
Human-Environment Interaction Terracing was an important Incan farming technique that greatly reduced erosion problems. Photographed by David Evans, courtesy National Geographic Image Collection ‘CLICK’ Machu Picchu (2:20 min) Hillside farming in modern Peru
Yanomani family members stand outside their home in the Amazon rain forest after using slash and burn techniques to clear the land. After three years, the land will lay fallow. Traditional slash and burn techniques on a small scale actually help build the soil. Ashes and plant material enrich the soil. Dario Lopez-Mills, AP World wide photos Slash and Burn
Photos courtesy of student Barbara Bramblia Urbanization Rio de Janeiro
Problems Overpopulation Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Photograph by William A. Allard © William A. Allard Some 2.6 million people subsist in shantytowns like this one outside Lima, the capital of Peru. Many lack electricity and running water. At Lima’s largest maternity hospital, Peru’s population is increased by 100 births per day. Workers take a break from building a waterline in the San Juan neighborhood in Caracas. (Photo by Heather Sarantis, special to the Chronicle)
Tourism Pedestrians crowd a street during a festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Conclusion Landforms and Resources Landforms and Resources Climate and Vegetation Climate and Vegetation Human-Environment Interaction Human-Environment Interaction Slash-and-Burn Slash-and-Burn Terraced Farming Terraced Farming Urbanization Urbanization Tourism Tourism