Judaism There are three types of Judaism: Orthodox Jews follow a strict observance of rabbinic law. Weekly attendance at temple of the Sabbath. Strict observance of dietary prohibitions i.e. pork, no mixing of dairy and meat, matzos during Passover, Gender segregation during temple and other celebrations. There are variations of this sect, which includes Hasidim and Lubavitcher. This is the state religion of Israel.
Judaism Conservative Judaism: Conservatives split from the orthodox in the mid 1800s. They observe less restrictive and modified versions of attendance at temple and the dietary prohibitions.
Judaism Reform Jews: Affirm the basic doctrine of Judaism but shun many traditional practices such as: –Weekly attendance at temple on the Sabbath –Marriage restrictions. Jews according to the law must marry other Jews. –Many of the dietary prohibitions are not observed or will be only adhered to on the high holy days. –Reform Judaism is most popular here in the USA.
Judaism In 1968, there was a a movement to combine Conservative and Reform Judaism. This was called Reconstructionism.
Judaism Holy days: Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New year usually occurs in September each year. Rosh Hashanah ushers in a ten day period of self examination and penitence. Yom Kippur The Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur arrives ten days after Rosh Hashanah. It is the most solemn Jewish religious holiday. On this days all Jews seek purification by the forgiveness of others and through sincere repentance of their own sins. Pesach The days for Passover usually occur in the spring, either March or April. Passover celebrates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. During this week, Jews will eat unleavened bread known as matzoh which the Israelites had to subsist on during their escape from Egypt