Learning Target I can describe how organizations like the United Farm Workers, the National Organization for Women [NOW], and the American Indian Movement [AIM] contributed to expanded civil rights for Hispanics, women and [American] Indians.
Other Movements Inspired by the Civil Rights Movement
1.What is the image of Rosie the Riveter asking women to do? What is the message of the 1945 image? 2. What happened between 1943 and 1945? And how did it affect the role of women?
Cultural Shirt: Women’s roles in the 1950s card.do?si=houstonisd.org&cuecard=53 21 Why do you think the roles of women changed so rapidly?
Women’s Movement Betty Friedan wrote the book, Feminine Mystique in The book resonated with many women because it revealed the disappointment many women felt with their lives as housewives and mothers
Women activists were inspired by the Civil Rights Movement
Women worked together and created an organization called the National Organization for Women NOW worked to achieve equal rights for women Women activists were inspired by the Civil Rights Movement
Shirley Chisholm: 1st black woman elected to the House of Representatives
Equal Pay Act of prevented sexual discrimination - abolished wage differences based on sex
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Passed in It banned discrimination on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, or sex. Section VII set up the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to enforce the act
Checking for Understanding What inequalities did women experience? How successful was the Feminist movement in achieving rights for women?
The Hispanic movement United Farm Workers (1963) Protested use of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers in farming Used economic pressure and nonviolent resistance to demand better treatment of workers
Cesar Chavez Led the UFW in a strike and a boycott of grapes. 17 million of Americans refused to buy grapes. The resulting economic pressure forced grape growers to negotiate a settlement and improve working conditions of migrant workers. Chavez drew inspiration for his actions from the African American Civil Rights movement
To Boycott Means: To refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting : to stop using the goods or services of (a company, country, etc.) until changes are made. It is protesting using economic pressure
Checking for Understanding Compare the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Grape Boycott. Which one of the following is a more effective form of direct action? Economic pressure such as boycott or non violent civil disobedience
- Dedicated to protecting as well as improving life of Native Americans as well as keeping their culture alive -First goal: Deal with police brutality -Also protested broken land treaties Was inspired by the African American Civil Rights Movement American Indian Movement
AIM had some success. - involved with a long occupation of Wounded Knee that ended with a gun fight. - involved with the occupation of Alcatraz, which led passing of legislation supporting tribal self determination. -Government allocated money for Indian health care, scholarships, education and housing.
Gay and Lesbian Rights Stonewall Riots - caused by police harassment within the gay community Within months of the Stonewall Riots gay organizations formed and promoted newspapers that covered issues associated with equal rights for gay people. Gay Pride marches were held in New York, Chicago, and LA. Gay Pride week is a global event that takes place during the last week of June.
Dolores Huerta She cofounded the United Farm Workers of America in 1962 along with César Chavez. Three years later she directed the national grape boycott that resulted in the California grape industry agreeing to improve working conditions and pay for migrant workers.
Hector P Garcia Founded the American GI forum in an attempt to help Mexican Americans. It’s original focus was to increase veterans’ benefits for Mexican Americans but later broadened its focus to include education, public housing, and other policy areas.
Phyllis Schlafly She actively campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment and founded her own pro- family movement. A republican attorney, Shlafly was an outspoken opponent of the feminist movement
Exit ticket -How has the fight for civil rights been both similar and different for various minority groups? Use specific examples from any two of the following: Women’s movement, AIM, Hispanic Movement, African American Civil Rights Movement. -Compare causes, effects, methods used, laws passed, effectiveness.