The Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico on a small island in Lake Texcoco. They built the city of Tenochtitlan, now present day Mexico City. The land was swampy, so they built chinampas or raised garden beds.
Floating Gardens
The Aztecs worshipped many gods (Polytheism) They believed in about 1,000 gods Main gods: Huitzilopochtli – sun god, Tlaloc-god of rain, Quetzalcoatl- god of wind (bird/serpent). Practiced human sacrifice.
The Aztecs dug canals and built aquaducts to bring fresh water to the city. They also built bridges and causeways They built great pyramids and temples They had a number and writing system/codex The Aztec Calendar.
By 1500’s, the Aztecs had a great empire and ruled between 6 to 12 million people. From the people they conquered, the Aztecs demanded tribute (taxes). Montezuma II- most famous Aztec emperor.
The Aztecs traded for goods they could not get locally, especially wood and stone for building. They also used cacao beans as a form of money.
Three main classes formed Aztec society The Emperor/Nobles/Priest lived in luxury The middle class-merchants/skilled artisans The commoners-Farmers/Warriors Slaves, prisoners of war Women had few rights